Monday, June 11, 2012

Tuesday, June 12. 2012

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Geography 12 - Today and tomorrow you'll be completing a case study on Ecuador. I have given you the information you can use on pages 5 and 6 of your week eighteen package. Remember the question states -  Using the data provided on the next two pages and your understanding of geography:
  1. Describe Ecuador's natural and physical characteristics
  2. Assess the impacts associated with the exploitation of Ecuador's natural resources
  3. Suggest reasons why the government of Ecuador faces significant challenges in trying to balance the use of its natural resources with the protection of its environment
You will need to answer this case study in a multi-paragraph format (hint five paragraph essay).

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we're back in the library to continue your research for your seminar topic (next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) where you have between five to ten minutes to present information on a criminology topic to the class. You can look at a specific crime, a specific criminal, a specific criminological theory, a criminal justice & enforcement technique that reduces crime, or any other criminological topic but it really should be of interest to you. So if you're really interested in gangs you can choose that (what they do, how they do it, where they operate). If you're really interested in a specific gang you can choose that (the Hells Angels or the Bandidos). If you're really interested in how police infiltrate gangs you can choose that. What should this look like? You'll have five minutes and you can use either your blog or powerpoint or some web based resource for graphic information. Tell the class what you found out about your topic and why it interests you.

A Block Social Studies 11 - Today in class you'll work to compile your infographic poster on the commodity / resource / monoculture crop that you researched on Thursday and Friday. Don't forget that you're trying to tie this topic to a country that depends upon your commodity. Take is its largest export crop and the staple of its export economy (some estimate that 60% of its economy is based on coffee exports). 15 million of its 75 million people in Ethiopia depend on the coffee industry for work. The problem is that on the UNDP Human Development Index Ethiopia ranked 170th out of 177 countries and the quality of life for those in the coffee industry is low. If the price of coffee goes down, then so does the amount of money that Ethiopia can generate. This is one example so try to make a connection with your industry and a country that depends on it. I'll have smelly felts and coloured pencils for you to work with.

B Block Law 12 - Today we are back in the library for the first of our last three days to work on the civil law case study project. Get it done OK?

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