Sunday, January 22, 2012

Monday, January 23. 2012

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

B Block Geography 12 - Today we're back in the library for our last day for your final small project. Remember that you need to create a case study and I'd highly suggest that you look at previous examples on the Ministry of Education Exam Site. Take a look at yesterday's blog site entry to find out more information on the questions and how you need to ask them...

Using your understanding of Geography and the Data provided:

1. Describe the (physical and natural characteristics of your chosen area or the factors that lead to the problem at hand)
2. Explain how humans have (contributed to the problem or have affected the environment)
3. Suggest (solutions to the problem or reasons why the problem is so difficult to solve)

You need to have your case study - as well as an answer sheet completed by tomorrow

C Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll go to the library for an extra block to finish our web page project. Your web page project is due tomorrow in class and you'll need to give me the URL of your web page so that I may view it. Please make sure that the spelling of the web page address is correct. If your page is and you give me the address then I won't be able to view it and therefore will not be able to mark it. The best way to give me your address is to cut and paste the address and mail it to me (my e-mail address is on the course outline). Thanks and I look forward to seeing your work.

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today in class you'll work with your partner to compile your infographic poster on the commodity / resource / monoculture crop that you researched on Friday. Don't forget that you're trying to tie this topic to a country that depends upon your commodity. Take is its largest export crop and the staple of its export economy (some estimate that 60% of its economy is based on coffee exports). 15 million of its 75 million people in Ethiopia depend on the coffee industry for work. The problem is that on the UNDP Human Development Index Ethiopia ranked 170th out of 177 countries and the quality of life for those in the coffee industry is low. If the price of coffee goes down, then so does the amount of money that Ethiopia can generate. This is one example so try to make a connection with your industry and a country that depends on it. I'll have smelly felts and coloured pencils for you to work with.

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