Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday, April 1. 2011

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you're back in the library to work on your major semester long project. Don't forget that today you need to hand in what you've got accomplished on your project as today is your first "check in" on your progress. You can e-mail me your work - you have my address on the course outline. Good luck.

A & D – Criminology 12 – Today you’ll have some time at the beginning of class to work on the three social order crime questions that I gave out yesterday (legalizing prostitution, legalizing drugs and does pornography lead to violence). After this we’ll watch a Law & Order Criminal Intent episode “The Third Horseman” which deals with moral entrepreneurs or crusaders. Think about Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD). From Craig Reinarman's article Social Construction of an Alcohol Problem: The credibility of MADD, especially at its outset, was impeccable. The parents of children who have been killed in drunk-driving accidents are exceptionally strong symbols. There are few groups of victims who can inspire as much sympathy and adherence as the grieving mother. And this is one of the central foundations of MADD's success. The organisation was started in August of 1980 in Sacramento, California by a woman named Candy Lightner whose daughter had been killed by a hit-and-run drunk driver with multiple DUI (driving under the influence) convictions some 4 months prior. During the criminal proceedings Lightner was appalled by the apparent leniency and lack of concern demonstrated by the justice system towards drunk drivers and the rights of the victim. The campaign began with her tireless lobbying in the initial months and a strong push to make drunk driving a political issue where it had previously not been. The power of moral entrepreneurs can be quite strong. Today’s episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent deals with a pro-life group and we’ll talk about it after.

C – Geography 12 - Today we're looking at streams and drainage basins. You'll need to work on a few definitions, a diagram, and questions 1, 3, 10, 11, and 12 from page 481 in your Geosystems textbook. A map of Canada's drainage basins can be found here and the Canadian Atlas online has a great section on drainage basins too. Notes on these topics can be found here. Pau Hana Ohana.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday March 31. 2011

Today's schedule is D-C-A-B

D & A - Criminology 12 - Yesterday we got caught up in the talk about public order crimes. Immoral acts are distinguished from crimes on the basis of the social harm they cause. Acts that are believed to be extremely harmful to the general public are usually outlawed, whereas acts that only the harm the actor themselves are more likely to be tolerated. Acts that are illegal because they are viewed as a threat to morality are called public order crimes. Today I'll have you work on three questions:

  1. Should drugs be legalized? Why? If you believe drugs should be legalized, think about whether all drugs should be legalized or just a select few. Why should certain drugs be legalized and others not?

  2. Should prostitution be legalized? Why? If you believe it should be legalized, should all the forms of prostitution described in your text be legalized, or only a select few? If prostitution were legalized should government be able to exercise some control over it?

  3. Does pornography lead to violence? Why? Is it harmful? Why Consider all forms of pornography (what is currently legal and illegal) when you answer this question.

I gave you question #2 to work on yesterday so you can have some time today to polish it up. You'll need to use the textbook to help you here so feel free to use the ones I have set aside in the class for you.

C - Geography 12 - Today we're going to the library to start our next project on Mass Wasting. You can find the assignment on Day 33 (the second day of your week 8 package). Today & next Tuesday are the only days that I can give you for research as the library is booked solid so you'll need to do some research on your own. Here are some websites to help... Forest Service National Avalanche Center United States Geological Survey Landslides Hazard Federal Emergency Management Association Landslide & Debris Flow National Park Service Mass Wasting Geological Survey of Canada Landslides Parks Canada Mountain Guide University of Kentucky Earth Science Department Mass Wasting animation Parks Canada Backcountry Avalanche Information National Atlas of the United States Landslides OUC Foundations of Physical Geography Mass Wasting

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll start the class with the questions that we didn't get to yesterday (1, 3, 5, and 7 from page 167-8). Next we'll work on the "Locating the First Break" activity. In this you'll need to find the epicenter of a mythical earthquake in southwestern BC along with drawing a Mercalli shake / intensity map. Bring coloured pencils with you today for this activity and I'll have some protractors to help. For more on Seismograms, look at Make Your Own Seismogram

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 30. 2011

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today we will get to what we were unable to discuss yesterday: moral entrepreneurs (crusaders) and prostitution in Canada. We will understand the different types of prostitutes (street walkers, circuit travelers, bar girls, brothels, call girls and escort services). We'll look at some high profile cases (former New York state governor Eliot Spitzer) and examine the reasons why people turn to prostitution. Next we'll examine the laws in Canada on obscenity - as related to pornography (Criminal Code section163 subsection 8 and the community standards of tolerance test) and ask the question "Does pornography cause violence?"

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll look at earthquakes in class and we'll try to understand the motions that occur when a rupture takes place. We'll look at P and S seismic body waves as well as surface seismic waves. We'll also understand the difference between Mercalli, Moment Magnitude, and Richter scales. If there's time remaining, we'll focus on locating the source of earthquakes and complete a related activity. For the last part of class, you'll need to work on "For Review" questions 1, 3, 5, and 7 from pages 167 & 168 in your Earth Science and the Environment textbook.
For more check out:
USGS Earthquake Hazards
University of Kentucky Geology Animations on P/S Waves & Earth's Interior
USGS Earthquakes for Kids
P & S Earthquake waves animation
Exploring Earth P & S wave animation
BBC News How Earthquakes Happen
Savage Earth earthquake animations
Geoscape Nanaimo Earthquake Country
Forge FX seismic wave simulator

Mercalli/Intensity of Haitian earthquake courtesy of BBC

C - Geography 12 - Today we're looking at water. The USGS diagram below shows the distribution of water on the planet and explains the amount of water available for "human use". You'll note that there is precious little water available for 6.7 billion people. Then consider that the flora and fauna of the biosphere require water as well and you can see the importance of water to all forms of life on the planet.

Today we'll look at the properties of water in its three phases and then you'll need to sketch a diagram of the hydrologic cycle (page 253 in Geosystems). Next you'll need to define: condensation, evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, sublimation, percolation, aquifer, zone of aeration, and zone of saturation. Lastly you'll need to complete questions 2 & 5 from page 210, 1 from page 278, and 14, 16, & 18 from page 280 all in your Geosystems text. To help look at the United States Geological Survey Water Cycle website and ther University of Kentucky Geology Department flash animation site.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday, March 29. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-B-A

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll quickly review the Mass Wasting work we did yesterday. After, we'll look at three types of snow avalanches (loose, wet, and slab). We'll understand where they occur, why they happen, and figure out the physics of snow mass movement. I'll show you a video on avalanches and then there is no homework tonight.

Canadian Avalanche Centre
Behind the Lines
Government of Alberta Tourism Parks and Rec
Crested Butte Avalanche Center
Utah Avalanche Center danger scales

D - Criminology 12 - Today we'll move on to social order crimes, starting with what "obscenity" means. After we discuss moral entrepreneurs (crusaders) and then we will deal with the issue of prostitution in Canada. We will understand the different types of prostitutes (street walkers, circuit travelers, bar girls, brothels, call girls and escort services). We'll look at some high profile cases (former New York state governor Eliot Spitzer) and examine the reasons why people turn to prostitution. Next we'll examine the laws in Canada on obscenity - as related to pornography (Criminal Code section163 subsection 8 and the community standards of tolerance test) and ask the question "Does pornography cause violence?" Tomorrow, we'll spend some time looking at substance abuse and then you have the rest of the class and the week to work on your final project. For help understanding just how far sex has infiltrated our modern society take a look at the article on about teen girls trading sex for favours.

B - Earth & Space Science 11 -
Today we are going to finish our diagrams and notes on the three types of plate boundaries. Yesterday you took diagrams down about the three convergent boundaries (ocean - continent, ocean - ocean, and continent - continent). Today we'll take diagrams down about divergent and transform plate boundaries and then explain them through notes. For the remainder of the class you need to work on the following questions from the text: q. 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, & 16 from page 145

A - Criminology 12 - Today we are off to see a presentation in the bandroom about sexual exploitation for Criminology. Taking Care of Ourselves, Taking Care of Others (TCO²) is a unique and empowering interactive workshop designed and delivered by youth, for youth about preventing sexual exploitation. Using monologues, role-plays and engaging activities, a group of three young adult facilitators involve participants in a meaningful and interactive discussion of what sexual exploitation is, who is involved, and how to prevent it from happening. Topics may include: recruitment tactics, warning signs of exploitation, domestic trafficking, violence and drugs in the sex trade, exploitation over the Internet, non-commercial forms of exploitation, males in the sex trade, barriers to exiting the sex trade, community resources, and how to get help.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday, March 28. 2011

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

Welcome back family. I hope that your Spring Break was fun, exciting, restful, or whatever you hoped it would be. Just to give you a "heads up" there are a mere two weeks left in term three so hopefully there'll be no Spring Break sleepy heads around this week. On to the show...

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll start the class with some notes on the three types of plate margins/boundaries. We'll look at Convergent boundaries (ocean - ocean; ocean - continent; and continent - continent), Divergent boundaries (in the ocean and on land), and Transform boundaries. We'll look at the geologic events that happen and features that are created at these boundaries. After we'll finish the Amazing Planet DVD we started before Spring Break. For more on Plate Boundaries look at the following:

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today we will have our last journal entry. Last week we looked at white collar and corporate crime and today I'd like you to work on a journal entry based on questions in the textbook (and the documentary "The Corporation" that we saw on Friday). I'd like you to answer the question "Can Corporations Commit Murder?" If a corporation is considered as a person in law (as it is in the US) who can be held liable (responsible) if a corporation kills people? Use questions 1 & 2 from page 285 as well as question 1 from page 291 in your Criminology the Core textbook to help. Find an example of a story where a company was held responsible for the death of people and use it to support your ideas. Check out the following: Redefining Corporate Crime (look at the bullet points half way through the article) Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 (a law in the UK) Corporate Crime Reporter Top 100 Corporate Criminals (most are fraud, antitrust and financial) Newser (news stories about corporate crime)

C - Geography 12 - Today we'll look at Mass Wasting (falls, slides, and flows). We will figure out the causes of Mass Wasting by looking at both the driving and resisting forces on hillsides and slopes. We will try to figure out some slope stabilization practices and specifically we'll look at what has been done at Goose Spit to stop erosion of the Willemar Bluffs along Balmoral Beach. We'll also review the problems of the Sea to Sky highway (Hwy 99 from West Vancouver to Squamish). You will define rock fall, debris avalanche, landslide, mudflow, and soil creep and work on questions 27 & 32 from page 443 in your Geosystems text. SWEET Landslide video from National Geographic