Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 30. 2011

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A & D - Criminology 12 - Today we will get to what we were unable to discuss yesterday: moral entrepreneurs (crusaders) and prostitution in Canada. We will understand the different types of prostitutes (street walkers, circuit travelers, bar girls, brothels, call girls and escort services). We'll look at some high profile cases (former New York state governor Eliot Spitzer) and examine the reasons why people turn to prostitution. Next we'll examine the laws in Canada on obscenity - as related to pornography (Criminal Code section163 subsection 8 and the community standards of tolerance test) and ask the question "Does pornography cause violence?"

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today we'll look at earthquakes in class and we'll try to understand the motions that occur when a rupture takes place. We'll look at P and S seismic body waves as well as surface seismic waves. We'll also understand the difference between Mercalli, Moment Magnitude, and Richter scales. If there's time remaining, we'll focus on locating the source of earthquakes and complete a related activity. For the last part of class, you'll need to work on "For Review" questions 1, 3, 5, and 7 from pages 167 & 168 in your Earth Science and the Environment textbook.
For more check out:
USGS Earthquake Hazards
University of Kentucky Geology Animations on P/S Waves & Earth's Interior
USGS Earthquakes for Kids
P & S Earthquake waves animation
Exploring Earth P & S wave animation
BBC News How Earthquakes Happen
Savage Earth earthquake animations
Geoscape Nanaimo Earthquake Country
Forge FX seismic wave simulator

Mercalli/Intensity of Haitian earthquake courtesy of BBC

C - Geography 12 - Today we're looking at water. The USGS diagram below shows the distribution of water on the planet and explains the amount of water available for "human use". You'll note that there is precious little water available for 6.7 billion people. Then consider that the flora and fauna of the biosphere require water as well and you can see the importance of water to all forms of life on the planet.

Today we'll look at the properties of water in its three phases and then you'll need to sketch a diagram of the hydrologic cycle (page 253 in Geosystems). Next you'll need to define: condensation, evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, sublimation, percolation, aquifer, zone of aeration, and zone of saturation. Lastly you'll need to complete questions 2 & 5 from page 210, 1 from page 278, and 14, 16, & 18 from page 280 all in your Geosystems text. To help look at the United States Geological Survey Water Cycle website and ther University of Kentucky Geology Department flash animation site.

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