Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday, April 1. 2011

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you're back in the library to work on your major semester long project. Don't forget that today you need to hand in what you've got accomplished on your project as today is your first "check in" on your progress. You can e-mail me your work - you have my address on the course outline. Good luck.

A & D – Criminology 12 – Today you’ll have some time at the beginning of class to work on the three social order crime questions that I gave out yesterday (legalizing prostitution, legalizing drugs and does pornography lead to violence). After this we’ll watch a Law & Order Criminal Intent episode “The Third Horseman” which deals with moral entrepreneurs or crusaders. Think about Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD). From Craig Reinarman's article Social Construction of an Alcohol Problem: The credibility of MADD, especially at its outset, was impeccable. The parents of children who have been killed in drunk-driving accidents are exceptionally strong symbols. There are few groups of victims who can inspire as much sympathy and adherence as the grieving mother. And this is one of the central foundations of MADD's success. The organisation was started in August of 1980 in Sacramento, California by a woman named Candy Lightner whose daughter had been killed by a hit-and-run drunk driver with multiple DUI (driving under the influence) convictions some 4 months prior. During the criminal proceedings Lightner was appalled by the apparent leniency and lack of concern demonstrated by the justice system towards drunk drivers and the rights of the victim. The campaign began with her tireless lobbying in the initial months and a strong push to make drunk driving a political issue where it had previously not been. The power of moral entrepreneurs can be quite strong. Today’s episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent deals with a pro-life group and we’ll talk about it after.

C – Geography 12 - Today we're looking at streams and drainage basins. You'll need to work on a few definitions, a diagram, and questions 1, 3, 10, 11, and 12 from page 481 in your Geosystems textbook. A map of Canada's drainage basins can be found here and the Canadian Atlas online has a great section on drainage basins too. Notes on these topics can be found here. Pau Hana Ohana.

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