Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thursday May 5. 2011

Today's schedule is C-D-B-A

C - Geography 12 - Today we are off to the library to begin two days of class time working on our severe weather power point assignment. The assignment follows:

It has been a few months now since your geographic consulting company created a successful report for the town of Orting Washington on the dangers of Mt. Rainier and building a new school to accommodate growth. After some well deserved time off, you then completed a pamphlet for Parks Canada on the dangers of Mass Wasting in the Canadian Rockies which is still being distributed to back country enthusiasts. With the profits that your company made from the Parks Canada contract, you decided to take some time off and headed to the American Midwest for a 10 day Tornado Alley tour with Violent Skies Tours. True to form you made some contacts with people through the owners of the company and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has hired your company to create a PowerPoint presentation on severe weather. NOAA has indicated that the topics that you can research are: Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Thunder Storms, Lightning, Hail, Blizzards, Ice Storms, Drought, or Fire Storms. You will need to research the following about your topic:

1.What causes the Severe Weather Event to occur?
2.What kinds of damage does the Severe Weather Event inflict?
3.How is the Severe Weather Event detected and monitored?
4.Where does your chosen Severe Weather Event occur most often in North America?
5.What safety precautions should one take in order to survive your chosen Severe Weather Event?
6.Give examples of the most extreme occurrences of your chosen Severe Weather Event that has happened in Canada, the United States and the world.
7.A List of the websites that you used to assist in the compilation of this assignment.

There are some websites of note that can help:
National Severe Storm Laboratory (click on the education tab)
National Hurricane Centre
Storm Prediction Centre About Tornadoes
FEMA (look at Plan and Prepare)
Environment Canada Summer Weather Hazards webpage
How the Weather works
The weather world 2010 project
USA Today Weather and Climate Science page
Hurricane Preparation website
Winter Weather Awareness
Weather Channel Classroom
UK Official weather classroom
NOAA Weather classroom Jet Stream

A & D - Criminology 12 - We will focus on the roots of violent crime today. Yesterday I asked you to create a list of violent forms of entertainment and I'd like to go over those lists with you today. Why do people find violence entertaining? Where does violence come from (personal traits, ineffective families, evolutionary factors, exposure to violence, cultural values, substance abuse, and firearm availability)?

Can the roots of violence be traced back to youth? If so should we ban Warner Brothers cartoons? Is Bugs Bunny bad for kids? Comedy and violence are intermingled into a typical or formulaic narrative story.....Wile E. Coyote chases the Road Runner, Elmer Fudd chases Bugs Bunny, Sylvester chases Tweety Bird and they inflict carnage on each other. I want you to seriously consider the implicit messages of the cartoon (like if you insult Bugs what will he do? Most likely he'll declare war upon you and convince Elmer Fudd to shoot you in the face). The end is always the same....someone wins, someone loses, the loser is humiliated and we laugh at them (good clean wholesome fun). So today we'll watch some Warner Brothers cartoons with all the glorious violence in them and we'll have a discussion about the acceptance of violence in our modern culture. What would it be like if we just let young children watch the following cartoons without any parental involvement and control?
Cartoon Violence Project
Gender and Comm. Kids Cartoon Violence
Violence Everywhere

Now I am not saying that cartoons are the root of violence but I do want you to think about implied messages and desensitization.

An excellent source of information on violence in media and its link to aggression is the Media Awareness Network.
Check out Time Magazine for a good article on "Seeking the Roots of Violence"

B - Earth & Space Science 11 - Today you need to hand in your questions from yesterday (definitions on glaciers & "For Review" question 12 on page 332) and we will turn our focus on deserts. I will give you some notes on how deserts form and we'll take a diagram down on desert formations (butte, mesa, pediment, alluvial fan, & playa). Connected to this we'll look at how wind creates desert landscapes (deflation & abrasion) and creates dunes. Lastly we'll try to understand desertification.

You'll need to complete "For Review" questions 1, 2, 7, and 9 on page 350 of your Earth Science and the Environment text. While you do this we'll watch the Planet Earth video on deserts.

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