Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Today's schedule is D-C-Lunch-A-B

C - Criminology 12 - Today I want you to continue with your brainstormed list of all the reasons you can think why someone would commit a crime. Yesterday we collected all of your ideas on the board and tried to categorize them into crime theory clusters. After we'll begin our look at the nature vs. nurture debate by focusing on the history of psychological and sociological criminology (Power Point). For Monday, you need to create your own theory of why crime happens. Remember you need to use the brainstormed list we did in class along with the notes you take today on the history of Criminology. Use the Crime Theory Web Site found on this link. Tomorrow we'll look at the difference between deviance and criminal behaviour (acts that are criminal but not deviant and deviant but not criminal) and the three views on crime (interactionist, consensus, conflict).

A - Social Studies 11 - Today we will continue our work on the Dictatorship for Dummies project that we started in the library yesterday. This is your first major project for term four and can be a very effective way of starting off the term well! You will have today and tomorrow to work on this assignment and please ask as many questions as you need to do well. Good luck!

B- Social Studies 10 - Today we will be working on a map of exploration in the Canadian west. The fur trade "opened" the Canadian west to European exploration and settlement. I will place a large map of western Canada on the overhead and will have another copy on the light table (if you would like to trace a copy). You will need to draw a map of western Canada and trace the routes of the explorers on it (Mackenzie in both 1789 & 1793; Fraser; Thompson; Cook; Vancouver; and Hearne). The map will need to a border on the outside with information about each explorer, a time line, pictures, and a title. I will have a copy of the National Geographic map "The Explorers" in the class for you to see as an example. Use the map on page 82 of the textbook as a guide.

Exploration routes from the 1906 National Atlas of Canada.

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