Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I promised the Geography family a list of practical things that can be done by individuals to reduce their carbon & environmental footprint.

Consider the following from Stop Global Warming:
Buy local & Organic
Put on a Sweater
Reduce your waste
Turn off unused appliances

Don't idle in your car - shut the engine off
Plant trees or other vegetation
When you can - carpool
Use CFL's (compact fluorescent light bulbs)
Keep you tire pressure up
Only wash full loads
Turn the thermostat down
Take shorter Showers
Shut the computer off instead of using energy saver mode
Bring your own cloth bags for shopping
Use a reusable water bottle - ditch the plastic
Reduce your Paper Use and make sure it's recycled paper

Join or Start an environmental club
Speak out
Ride your Bike

Look at the following six websites as a starting point to get some ideas:

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