Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wednesday's schedule is B-A-Lunch-D-C.

B- Earth and Space Science 11 - Today we turn our attention to two thirds of the surface of the Earth - the Oceans. We'll briefly review the sub-surface geologic structures of the oceans (mid-ocean ridges, island arcs, and sea mounts) and then we'll focus on the abyssal plain and continental margins. You will need to work on questions 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 on page 375 in your Earth Science and the Environment textbook. Check out what Tim & Moby have to say about Ocean Floors here. There is a good animation of Ocean Basin features here. Today we'll watch the Blue Planet DVD introduction to the ocean world.
Some good ocean websites are:
Vancouver School Board Ocean Basins web site
Oceans Alive!
Enchanted Learning: All About Oceans
Water Encyclopedia: Ocean Basins
BBC Oceans web page
UN Atlas of the Oceans: About
NOAA Ocean

A - Law 12 - Today we take a look at trial procedures focusing on the presentation of evidence. You will need to explain the following types of evidence:
  1. direct evidence
  2. circumstantial evidence
  3. similar fact evidence
  4. hearsay evidence
  5. opinion evidence
  6. character evidence
You will then need to answer the following questions:
  1. what is an arraignment?
  2. what is a "voire dire"?
  3. what is a subpoena?
  4. what is contempt of court
  5. who presents first in a trial and why?
  6. what is examination-in-chief, cross-examination, and rebuttal?
  7. what is perjury?
  8. why is the credibility of a witness important?
  9. question 2 page 133 & questions 10 and 12 on page 134.
There is a great website on this topic, even though it is American and deals with the U.S. justice system, at the American Bar Association.

D - Geography 12 - Congrats to Geo family member Tyler who stumped Mr. Young on a weather related question. The Celsius and Fahrenheit degree scales converge at -40! You are the proud winner of a mini globe.

Today we will look at winds and pressure circulations. We'll understand where the permanent areas of high and low pressure are on the planet and figure out what that means for a macro-scale pressure gradient wind pattern. We'll try to understand what the Coriolis force is (we watch the Simpson's episode Bart vs Australia tomorrow) and see how it affects wind. We'll also talk about the Horse Latitudes, the Bermuda Triangle, and the Doldrums. You will need to complete question 1 from page 176 and questions 9 & 15 from page 177 of your Geosystems textbook.

C - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we will review last week's work on profiling and I'll have you hand in your profile work from Friday (after some help). After that we're on to crime scene procedures and we'll look at what the basic stages of a crime scene search are. The following are some great web pages to help understand the procedures:
Learning for Life Crime Scene Search study guide
U.S. Department of Justice Crime Scene Investigation guide
Criminal Profiling Crime Scene searches (FBI guidelines)
If you are interested in crime scene investigation as a career check out the BCIT courses (in Burnaby!) here

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