Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Thursday, June 13. 2024

Today's schedule is DCBA

D Block Physical Geography - Natural climate forcing and climate feedbacks today.

1. Milankovich Cycles (eccentricity, or orbit; obliquity, or tilt; and precession, or wobble)
2. the Thermohaline circulation system, and
3. Climate Feedbacks (including the PETM - Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum)

You have three questions to address:
  • How do volcanoes act to both increase and decrease temperatures on Earth? (Page 185 Geosystems Core)
  • What are the three components of the Milankovitch cycles and what are their timescales? (Pages 182-3 Geosystems Core)
  • If the major currents in the oceans were to slow down or stop, how would that affect the distribution of heat on Earth, and what effect might that have on glaciation?

C Block Human Geography - Today we'll look at three examples of places that test the definition of a state: 

Korea (North and South) 

China (Taiwan/Chinese Taipei) 

And from John Oliver, Taiwan *NOTE potty mouth so watch with care... 

and Western Sahara (Sahrawi Republic)

Finally we'll examine Arctic sovereignty. 

Can you start your own country? How to Start Your Own Country in 4 Easy Steps

You'll have some questions in the Ethnicity and States package to answer for me:
  • There is some disagreement about how many states there actually are in the world because of regions which may, or may not, be states. Complete the chart to demonstrate three cases.
  • The polar ice caps are receding with the warming of Earth. How might this affect competing territorial claims?
To help with the chart look at:

To help with the Arctic and competing claims you could use the following:

B Block Legal Studies - After today, there are just six (6) classes remaining to complete your Civil Litigation assignment/final. You should be finished one case by now. 

There are two main types of Intentional Torts:

1. Trespass to Person/Land – presence on another person’s body or property without consent. Person = assault and battery or false imprisonment (Assault – no offensive touching required – Battery – contact must be direct and it assumes fault on Defendant a.k.a. Defendant must prove they did not do action). False Imprisonment = wrongful or unauthorized confinement in a specific area.

2. Nuisance – a person’s unreasonable use of land so that it interferes with the enjoyment of use of adjoining land. Private & Public (public = pollution, blocking a highway, oil spills) Defamation of Character

Defenses to Trespass:

• Consent (has to be established by Defendant) – a Defendant that can show willing consent from Plaintiff for actions can be excused from liability.
• Self Defense – force must be reasonable and necessary to prevent personal injury
• Defense of Others – 3rd party can come to the aid of another only in cases of immediate danger.
• Defense of Property – force must be reasonable and necessary but you MUST first ask the trespasser to leave
• Others? Legal Authority, Necessity

Remember, your civil law project involves letters to potential clients. You can find tips on plain language legal writing from the Canadian Bar Association. Plain language legal writing refers to legal writing that is well thought-out, well organized, and understandable to the client without interpretation: the language is clear, the legal concepts are explained and the technical terms are defined. For your Information, the professional code of conduct (ethics) for the BC Law Society states, it is a lawyer’s duty to:
  1. promote the interests of the state
  2. serve the cause of justice
  3. maintain the authority and dignity of the courts
  4. be faithful to clients
  5. be candid and courteous in relations with other lawyers
  6. demonstrate personal integrity.

A Block Criminology - Today we'll finish part 2 of the 2017 retrospective "The Murder of Laci Peterson". Pay special attention to Nancy Grace and her explanation of why she does what she does.

From the Midland Daily News article Laci Peterson Case Luring All Media Types
"The media shows all the symptoms of an addict, all the way down to denial," said Matthew Felling of the Center for Media and Public Affairs, a nonprofit research group. "Despite their protestations and navel gazing they are and remain scandal-story junkies, waiting for the next fix." 
The Peterson case is the equivalent of a summer blockbuster for cable news, akin to shark attacks and missing children in the past two years, said Dante Chinni, a senior associate with The Project for Excellence in Journalism. He said such heavy coverage distorts the gravity of the story. "People do start thinking Laci Peterson is the most important story in America," Chinni said.

There are two trials under way here over the killings of Laci Peterson and her unborn son.

One is the quiet proceeding inside the four walls of the town courthouse run by Judge Alfred A. Delucchi. That trial is all but bereft of drama and hard to follow: day after day of dry testimony played out before 12 jurors in a courtroom only half filled with grieving family members, journalists and a smattering of the public.

The other trial takes place in the hallways and on the esplanade in front of the courthouse, where a spin zone relentlessly churns before television cameras, which are barred from the courtroom itself. This one has drama and humor and pathos, played out breathlessly almost every day on Court TV and Fox News, on ''Today'' and ''Larry King Live.''
And the core in the coverage is Nancy Grace, look at what she has to say ...Jodi Arias Draws Comparisons to Casey Anthony, Scott Peterson

So, according to the documentary, the police, the district attorney office and the media seemed to work together to leak information to the public about details in the Scott Peterson trial that then was used for talking points on infotainment true crime news. Now, from John Oliver, how the media covers crime news *NOTE potty mouth so watch with care... 

So why do you think the Scott Peterson trial received so much attention?

and remember your question to answer:
Why do you think True Crime is such a popular content area/genre in mass media and what are the potential effects of consuming it? Are the voyeurisms of consuming the True Crime genre of media an example of curiosity or exploitation? Does it teach? Does it normalize? Does it Rationalize? Does it Trivialize?

Today's Fit...


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