Thursday, May 30, 2024

Friday, May 31. 2024

Today's schedule is CDAB

C Block Human Geography - I have videos on yesterday's blog including the following to help with your questions...(including why the United States and South Africa are still segregated - unofficially) 

D Block Physical Geography - Today we'll continue our look at severe weather focusing on mesoscale convective complexes and tornadoes. I'll show you some footage of a tornado captured on video by a Kansas television crew. This footage was actually detrimental to tornado safety as most people who saw it assumed that a highway overpass provides shelter and safety. This proved deadly with the May 3, 1999 Moore Oklahoma F5 tornado.

So, why is it dangerous to hide under an overpass when a tornado strikes? Look at the rotation of the funnel on this tornado...

From 2013 a storm chasing team inside the Tornado Intercept Vehicle (TIV2) again consider rotational speed...

Finally we'll watch a really good video of the El Reno Oklahoma EF3 Tornado of 2013. 

Oklahoma typically experiences around 60 tornadoes a year, as it is part of Tornado Alley. Most tornadoes, about 77 percent, don’t cause death or widespread damage however some can spin up to create something spectacularly dangerous. The El Reno tornado, that struck central Oklahoma, measured 4.2 kilometers (2.6 miles) wide at its base and killed 18 people including veteran tornado researchers and storm chasers Tim and Paul Samaras and Carl Young (National Geographic did an excellent piece on Tim Samaras called "The Last Chase")

A really good article on the El Reno Tornado and the storm chasers around it can be found at Outside magazine online When the Luck Ran Out in El Reno

Don't forget questions:
  1. Evaluate the pattern of tornado activity in Canada and the United States. Where is Tornado Alley? What generalizations can you make about the distribution and timing of tornadoes? What happened in 2003?
  2. Describe the formation process of a mesocyclone. How is this development associated with that of a tornado?
And websites to help:
NWS Jetstream Tornadoes
Weather underground Supercells
How Mesocyclones Work
Weather Network Tornado Alley
CBC What is Tornado Alley
Canada's Tornado Alley may be moving from Prairies to Ontario-Quebec, warn researchers at null
NOAA/NSSL Severe Weather 101: Tornadoes 

...and because I'm a you know that chasers have their own vocab? Check out the article Do you speak storm-chasing? from TED. Or the National Weather Service Weather Glossary for Storm Spotters

...and I know it's going to be bad, but July 19th...I'll be there

A Block Criminology - Some people think that since there is so much crime happening they feel the need to take on crime themselves. Often the story of Catherine "Kitty" Genovese is cited as an example. This classic narrative of human failing was in fact hyperbole. From the LA Times article... 
When Genovese died it was the New York Times that created the shocking narrative of indifference and apathy, with a front-page story two weeks after the murder that began: “For more than half an hour, 38 respectable, law-abiding citizens in Queens watched a killer stalk and stab a woman in three separate attacks in Kew Gardens.” The story - and the number 38 - apparently originated with a conversation between New York City’s police commissioner and Abe Rosenthal, then the paper’s city editor. But the number was substantially exaggerated and inadequately checked before being allowed in the paper.
This created a moral panic/urban legend-myth that bystanders were apathetic to a woman's cries for help and ignored her - to the point that she died. Some saw this as a clarion call to act because others wouldn't. Some are some costumed "super-hero" vigilantes, like in Seattle - members of the Rain City Superhero Movement. Check out the Seattle PI article on them here. You can check out the article and video from Good Morning America on Phoenix Jones broken nose here. You can watch the Young Turks video on the Rain City Superheroes here.

 We'll watch some of the full doc today and Tuesday

B Block Legal Studies - We are back in the Learning Commons / Library to work on our criminal law memo activity. It is due today, right? Please look at the blog posts for weblinks and assistance on the memo format along with resources for your discussion section. Ask for help if you need it.

Today's Fit...


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