Sunday, March 3, 2024

Monday, March 4. 2024

Today's schedule is ABCD

A Block Criminology - No online work today, it's a short week with Wednesday Flex, so in the class this morning. Today we'll continue our focus on violent crime looking at rape and sexual assault in Canada. We'll examine what a sexual assault is along with the three levels of sexual assault in Canadian Law. After I'd like you to focus on a question about Groth's typology of rapist. Nicholas Groth created a typology based upon the degree of aggression, the underlying motivation of the offender and the existence of other antisocial behaviors, which resulted in four types of rapists.
So, my question is, using the Crim text and this Sex Offender Typology website...

Explain the three types of rapist according to Groth (anger-retaliation; power reassurance and assertive; and sadistic)

After, I need you to answer the question:

Identify and explain the causes for sexual assault

You'll need to look at evolutionary and biological factors (remember Sigmund Freud's Thantos and Eros or instinctual drives that allowed species to be successful)? Look at modern male socialization (boys are taught to be aggressive, forceful, tough, and dominating...think about how boys play when they're young) and then at hypermasculinity (where some men have callous sexual attitudes and believe that violence is "manly"). Lastly consider both violent experiences (remember that those boys who were exposed to violence in the household are more likely to commit violent acts when they grow older) and sexual motivation (social, cultural, and psychological forces...think about the messages hidden in Axe body spray commercials). What message does this commercial send to people...

Now consider what the commercial indicates about sex in modern society. Who is the commercial targeted at and what are the sexual roles in the commercial.

And if you're still struggling with consent...

For more info check out the following site:
Why Do Men Sexually Assault Women? Sexual violence against women manifests, rather than violates, society’s norms

B Block Legal Studies - Today will be our last day in the learning commons for our Human Rights poster. I have poster paper for your Human Rights project and I'll give you the paper once I've seen your ideas (a rough sketch). Remember you need to create a visually appealing Human Rights Campaign Poster that addresses the human rights violation by incorporating key information (What is happening? Where is it taking place? What rights are being violated? Who is having their rights violated? Why are their rights being violated?) as well as pictures, symbols, and colours. Your poster should seek to draw the attention of the public through the balanced combination of text and visuals in a creative, yet educational manner! 

Here are some video examples of Human Rights Advocacy campaigns

C Block Human Geography - Today I have the Learning Commons booked for you to finish your world population activity From the 2023 data produced by the Population Reference Bureau. Use the regions overview when looking for hard to find data and for the last question you'll need to choose one of the following demographic indicators (listed below) using the World Population Data Map and create a choropleth map showing the distribution of that indicator on a world outline map. The PRB World Population Data map is an example of a Choropleth Map. Use it to help you create yours, just select the indicator you wish to create and it will make a choropleth map that you can print.

Infant Mortality Rate
Birth Rate
Death Rate
Rate of Natural Increase
Total Fertility Rate
Life Expectancy at birth (you may choose total, males, or females)
Percent of Population under the age of 15
Percent of the Population Living in Urban Areas
Gross National Income per Capita PPP

Here's an example for TFR 2023
You'll have some questions to answer and you'll need to interpret the map geographically (look for patterns, concentrations, distributions) and look for connections between the map indicator with the other indicators listed above and on the website.

By The's a good opinion article on the TFR in Canada (in 2023 it is 1.33)
Trend in Canadian TFR

I Lava you Volcanoes 😍
D Block Physical Geography - Today in class we'll try to understand the five different types of volcanoes, with examples, and see if we can figure out where these beasts are on the planet. We'll take some notes about the five types of volcanoes and we'll check out the types of Volcanoes at the BC Open Text Physical Geology Textbook. There are three types of volcanic environments are represented in British Columbia:
  1. The Cascade Arc (a.k.a. the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt in Canada) connected to subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate beneath the North America plate (Mt. Garibaldi, Mt. Cayley, and Mt. Meager)
  2. The Anahim Volcanic Belt related to a mantle plume (The Rainbow Range and Nazko Cone)
  3. The Stikine Volcanic Belt and the Wells Gray-Clearwater Volcanic Field related to crustal rifting (Tseax River Cone and Mount Edziza)
and yes...I Lava You Volcanoes!

In the time left you may work on your week 4 Tsunami or Earthquake work

Today's Fit...


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