Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Wednesday, September 12. 2018

Today's schedule is BADC

B Block Criminology - So, yesterday we came up with a list of things that are deviant but not criminal and a list of things that are criminal but not deviant. Today, I need to take one act from either list and explain why it should be criminalized or why it should be decriminalized. This should be based on an evaluation of harm...in other words how deviant or not is the action? If the action would cause great social harm then perhaps we should criminalize that behaviour. If the action causes minimal social harm then perhaps we should decriminalize that behaviour. So, I'm looking for you to justify your response and you may use the text for help if you need it.

Next, we'll look at the three perspectives of how criminologists view crime:

Consensus = the belief that the majority of citizens in society share common values and agree on what behaviours should be defined as criminal.
Conflict = the belief that criminal behaviour is defined by those in a position of power to protect and advance their own self-interest.
Interactionist = the belief that those with social power are able to impose their values on society as a whole, and these values then define criminal behaviour.

Once this is done we'll turn our focus to the history of crime and law (looking at Hammurabi, the Mosaic Code and the development of Common Law in England). We'll learn what Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Mala in Se and Mala Prohibitum mean along with taking a look at the differences between Indictable, Summary Conviction and Absolute Liability Offences. We'll see what defenses you can use and what the goals of criminal law are for society.

A & D Blocks Human Geography - Today we are going to look at the Key Question: Why Are Different Places Similar? To do this we will look at Globalization in terms of culture and economy. Increasingly uniform cultural preferences produce uniform “global” landscapes of material artifacts and of cultural values. Underlying the uniform cultural landscape is globalization of cultural beliefs and forms, especially religion and language. Globalization of the economy has been led primarily by transnational corporations, sometimes called multinational corporations. Every place in the world is part of the global economy, but globalization has led to more specialization at the local level. Each place plays a distinctive role, based on its local assets. So, you'll have a few questions to work on for me today including:
  • In what ways has the communications revolution played a role in globalization?
  • Why might some group(s) of people oppose globalism or globalization?
To help:

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