Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thursday, September 6. 2018

Today's schedule is AG-DCBA

9:05 am-9:20 am – AG
9:25 am-10:40 am – D Block
10:45 am-12:00 pm – C Block
12:00 pm-12:45 pm – Lunch
12:50 pm-2:00 pm – B Block
2:05 pm-3:15 pm – A Block

D & A Blocks Human Geography - Human geographers ask two simple questions: Where are people and activities found on Earth? and Why are they found there? So we'll try to work on the Key Question: How do Geographers describe where things are? You'll have two questions to work on for me:

  1. Transferring the locations on Earth’s surface is called projection. The problem with projecting a round sphere to a flat plain is that it causes distortion. So, Describe the four types of distortion AND for each type of distortion explain which type of map projection you would use to best minimize the distortion. For help you may use USGS Map Projections
  2. GPS is most commonly used for navigation. Pilots of aircraft and ships stay on course with GPS. On land, GPS detects a vehicle’s current position, the motorist programs the desired destination, and GPS provides instructions on how to reach the destination. So, in your everyday life how do you use GPS and how does it affect your activities?
Use the following videos to help too...

After, in order to get ready for our next three key questions (Why is each point on Earth unique?, Why are different places similar? and Why are some human actions not sustainable?) we'll look at  the Five Themes of Geography (Location, Place, Human-Environment Interactions, Movement, and Regions).

B Block Criminology - Today I want you to back in your pod/groupings so that you can try to see where your crime theory categorized clusters (similar categories) fit in terms of Choice, Trait, Social Structure, Social Learning, and Conflict theories. After this, we'll begin our look at the nature vs. nurture debate by focusing on the history of psychological and sociological criminology (from B.C.E up to and including the current theories,which will help you with your first activity in the course). I'll give you a handout to help you with crime theories and tomorrow we'll talk about what your first activity will be.

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