B Block Introduction to Law 10 - So we'll start with this. Yesterday we went through the perceptions versus the reality of crime in Canada. Remember the most likely offenses you may come across are theft (under $5000) and assault (level 1). In 2016 of the 381,594 violent offenses, 156,279 were level 1 assaults (down 24% from 2006 to 2016). In the same year of the 1,163,647 property offenses, 495,639 were for theft under $5000 (down 28% from 2006 to 2016). So my question you need to answer on your brainstorming sheets is :
Why is it that in Canada we have a distorted perception of the reality of crime? You'll need to think hard on this one and justify your answers with some solid legal thought.

Is there a “typical” victim of crime? I would like you to explain and draw the typical victim of the most typical of crimes in Canada now. I want you to think about STEREOTYPES...What would the stereotypical victim of an assault or theft under $5000 look like and behave like? You will need to keep in mind the demographic statistics about victims and the factors that add to the risks of being a victim. This will be due on Friday. You will need to look at the following factors when determining who might be a target for violent crime in Canada:
• Gender
• Age
• Social Status (wealth and social cohorts)
• Relationship status
• Behaviour / Demeanour
• Location
So there are two things you need to accomplish:
A) Identify the characteristics listed above of the most likely victim of that crime (you may cheat and look in the course handout/booklet I'll give you tomorrow to see some characteristics)
B) Draw what you believe the typical victim of the violent crime, that you chose, to look like (11 x 17 paper will be provided for you).
A Block Law 12 - Today I'll explain the benefits of an out of court settlement and identify why negotiating an agreement is better than going to court. After, we'll look over information about damages. Here is some info to help:
Compensatory Damages - The basis: Compensation in tort law is based on the principle of restitutio in integrum. The Purpose: To restore the Plaintiff, in so far as money can do, to the same position as if no tort had been committed. It entitles Plaintiff to be compensated for their pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses arising from the Defendant’s tort. Compensatory damages are divided into Special and General damages. Special Damages include: Pre-trial pecuniary losses incurred by Plaintiff which includes lost income, nursing and personal attendant costs, medical expenses and consequential expenses. General Damages include: Future losses resulting from Defendant’s tort. A Plaintiff may be compensated for three heads of damages under general damages: (1) Inability to work; (2) future care cost; and (3) non-pecuniary losses. Each item of damage must be separately considered and compensated for.
Non-Compensatory Damages include: Punitive Damages: These are appropriate where Defendant’s misconduct was so malicious, oppressive and highhanded. Their Purpose: Punishment and deterrence. Nominal Damages: which are small amounts of money awarded when the plaintiff has successfully established a cause of action but has suffered no substantial loss or is unable to prove what that loss is. Their purpose: Vindication of the Plaintiff’s rights and a minor deterrence to the Defendant.
The rest of the class is time for you to work on your project. Good Luck.
D Block Human Geography 11 - Today with Mr. V...we will begin by watching a video on the many translations of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”.
What are some of the biggest challenges faced by the translators?
Now try this:
You are tasked with translating something from English to the language spoken on North Sentinel Island. This is a real, tropical island whose inhabitants have been un-contacted by the outside world. They don’t allow anyone to visit their island, and thus their language is completely unique.
Write on a post-it note (in 2 minutes) as many words as you can think of that would be very difficult/impossible to translate into the North Sentinel language. After the 2 minutes pair up and share your lists (you can add any words that you didn’t to their own lists). Next, I'll have you get up and share your ideas with another student. After sharing ideas, switch post-it notes. Next, you'll have to pair up with someone else and share the ideas from your partner’s post-it note that you are now holding. Continue switching and sharing new ideas for approx. 10 mins.
I'll show a presentation on how geography and languages are interconnected and explain some of the reasons that languages diffused to different places. I'll have you complete a journal prompt discussing why you think English has spread so widely (20% of the Earth’s population speaks some English).
C Block Criminology 12 - Today with Mr. V we're back in the library where you will have this class to work on your inquiry project. By the end of the day you should have found out the origin of the organization you're looking at, along with its numbers, a few interesting facts about it, and who the head of the organization was and you should have come up with the outline for your poster.
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