C Block Criminology 12 -

Harris-Moore was sentenced in December 2011 to seven years in state prison for dozens of crimes, including burglary and identity theft, stemming from his two-year run from the law in stolen boats, cars and airplanes. A self-taught pilot, he was finally apprehended in a hail of bullets in the Bahamas in 2010, after he crash-landed a plane stolen from an Indiana airport. He has a "Fan Club" and many many articles have been written on him including Time, and Outside Magazine...Twice! He also has agreed to sell his life story to 20th Century Fox movie studio for $1.3 million... So Today we'll watch "Chasing the Barefoot Bandit"
D Block Human Geography 11 - Today I have the library/learning commons booked for you to continue your work on the food/recipe project. You'll have no more blocks of time in the library to finish up this. Don't forget you'll need to write two paragraphs on how our region’s food has been influenced by diffusion/ migration (the Old Silk Road or Columbian Exchange). Discuss the climate and land use of the region where your ethnic dish is from. Remember to use your geographic terminology regarding diffusion (relocation, hierarchical, contagious, expansion and stimulus).
A Block Law 12 - Today I have the library/learning commons booked for you to continue your work on the major civil law project that is due three weeks from now. You have nine library blocks left to finish this assignment...no pressure really. And don't forget if you're choosing to do three cases with a video for your law firm...you had better start script writing and planning your production dates ASAP.
B Block Introduction to Law 10 - We are in the library for our last day to work on the crime scene investigation project (Clue Us In). You'll have no more blocks of time in the library to finish up this crime scene reconstruction activity. Remember you need to create a crime...replicate the crime scene...investigate the crime as if you were an R.C.M.P. officer...and prepare a dossier file to hand over to Crown Counsel so that they may prosecute the case. Look at yesterday's blog entry for more information. Good Luck.
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