Sunday, April 22, 2018

Monday, April 23. 2018

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Law 12 - Test thingy tomorrow right? You got a review on Friday, so hopefully you've used it :) Today in Law we'll review our criminal law defenses and then we'll examine the court room and we'll look at the three court levels in BC (Provincial, Supreme, and Appellate). After, we'll focus on courtroom organization and then we'll discuss the roles and responsibilities of the judge, the crown prosecutor, defense counsel, the court clerk, court recorder, and sheriff.

B Block Introduction to Law 10 - Welcome to Introduction to Law, also known as Law & Order: Vanier. This term class is a very short but exciting look at criminal law in Canada. The course is organized much like an episode of Law & Order. The first two weeks of the course deal with criminological studies (the study of crime - we will focus on why crime is committed). The next month of the class deals with criminal forensics and detective investigation. The last three weeks of the class deal with the "order" component of Law & Order where we'll follow the process of arrest, trial, and sentencing for crimes committed.

Today, I want you to start by brainstorming a list of all the reasons you can think why someone would commit a crime (you should have a minimum of 10). We'll do this as a Think-Pair-Share activity where you will come up with a list of your own, then partner up with someone and share/compile your lists together into one big list. After you've done this your partner group will get together with another partner group into a group of 4. I will then give you a large sheet of poster paper and you may use markers to combine your lists on the large sheet of poster paper. I'd like you to cluster (group) your reasons why people commit crime into categories (emotions, poverty, culture, etc...) and see what biological factors and sociological factors may contribute to crime. We'll then share your ideas together as a class and see if there are any common ideas that we may have.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today with Mr. V...we will have a discussion on what you think it is that the Hell's Angles does and see if you have seen any portrayals of this organization in the media. Following this, we will watch the Simpsons episode “Take My Wife you Sleaze” which features the outlaw motorcycle club Hells Satans, clearly a spoof of the Hells Angels.

You will be asked to note down any of the myths covered in our first lesson throughout the show. Following the video, we will have a discussion about how you feel about the fact that an organization known to have murdered many people is shown on a children's television show. You will then be asked to write a few paragraphs of at least four sentences saying what effect you think that depicting organized crime in a goofy manner such as this episode might have on how the overall public views these organizations (with a concluding paragraph that justifies why you think that is the case).

D Block Human Geography 11 - Today with Mr. start the class we will go over expectations for the gallery walk. We will divide the class into three groups. One group will present at a time while the other two groups walk around the class and have a look at what others have accomplished. You will be asked to anonymously give two stars and a wish for projects that you look at. At the end of every groups time, students who presented will be asked to fill out a self evaluation of the rubric we created at the start of the project as well as how they think you did presenting the information about your projects. We will repeat this process until all the groups have had a chance to present their projects. Each group will have 15 minutes for the gallery walk and then 5 minutes to fill out a self assessment while the next group gets ready.

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