Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Wednesday, March 7. 2018

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C-Flex

B Block 9:00 – 10:00
AG 10:05 – 10:15
A Block 10:20 – 11:20
Lunch 11:20 – 12:00
D Block 12:05 – 1:05
C Block 1:10 – 2:10
Personalized Learning 2:10 – 3:15

B Block Introduction to Law 10 - We are in the library so that you may continue your work on the crime scene investigation project (Clue Us In). You'll have three blocks of time in the library next week to finish up this crime scene reconstruction activity. For more on Forensic Science, check out SFU's "So you want to be a Forensic Scientist" webpage or check out the "All you ever wanted to know about Forensic Science in Canada but didn't know who to ask" booklet compiled by Dr. Gail Anderson and posted by the Canadian Society of Forensic Science.

Please remember that I have books on crime scene investigation here in the classroom. Use these resources to aid you in the development of your project. Remember you need to create a crime...replicate the crime scene...investigate the crime as if you were an R.C.M.P. officer...and prepare a dossier file to hand over to Crown Counsel so that they may prosecute the case. Good Luck.

A Block Law 12 - Today we'll start with time to finish yesterday's work (q 1-5 p. 130) and then we'll read through "Parties to an Offence" in the All About Law text from pages 131-133 (Aiding or Abetting and Accessory After the Fact) and complete questions 1-3 on page 133. From the Halton District School Board in Ontario:
  • The Perpetrator: is the person who actually commits the criminal offence. When more than one person is directly involved in committing a crime, they are called co-perpetrators. In every case, the person actually has to be present at the scene of the offence to be identified as either a perpetrator of co-perpetrator. A person who commits an offence, aids a person to commit an offence, or abets a person in committing an offence is defined as a party to an offence under section 21 of the Criminal Code.
  • Aiding and Abetting: Aiding means helping a perpetrator commit a crime. To aid the perpetrator, one does not have to be present when the offence is committed. Abet means to encourage without actually providing physical assistance. Two things must be proved before an accused can be convicted of being a party by aiding or abetting. The first is that the accused had knowledge that the other intended to commit an offence. The second is that the accused aided or abetted the other. Mere presence at the scene is not conclusive evidence of aiding or abetting. Under section 21(2), a person who plans an offence is just as guilty as a person who actually commits the offence. However, a person is not guilty if his/her action is not intended to assist in the commission of an offence.
  • Counselling: The separate offence of counselling, (s. 22), is similar to abetting but is much broader in scope. Counselling includes the acts of advising, recommending, persuading or recruiting another person to commit an offence (procuring, soliciting or inciting"). A person who counsels does not have to be present at the scene of the crime.
  • Accessories After the Fact: The Criminal Code provides a penalty for a person who is an accessory after the fact as outlined in section 23. Knowingly assisting a person who has committed a crime to escape capture includes providing food, clothing, or shelter to the offender. One exception to his law is the favoured relationship between a legally married couple. A man or woman cannot be held responsible for assisting in the escape of a spouse and someone escaping with a spouse. An accessory after the fact is one who receives, comforts or assists any one who has been a party to an offence in order to enable him/her to escape, knowing him/her to be a party thereto. There are three constituent elements of the offence of being an accessory after the fact: knowledge that a crime has been committed; an intent to assist the criminal to escape; and an act or omission intended to aid a criminal.

D Block Human Geography 11 - Today we'll deal with the key question Why Are Nation-states Difficult to Create? We'll look at colonialism and the nations created in its wake as well as the fall of the USSR and look at the 15 countries created along with problems in the Caucuses (Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia). We'll examine the Russian annexation/repatriation of Crimea from the Ukraine and you'll have some questions to work on for me.

And remember the questions for today and tomorrow...
  1. How did Communists suppress the issues of ethnicity and nationalism?  (Give several examples)
  2. When the Soviet Union dissolved into 15 countries in the 1990s, the new countries were based on ethnicities. Other than Russia, they can be divided into 4 groups based on their location. Complete the chart indicate the countries in each group: Baltic Region (3 states); Eastern Europe (3 states); Central Asia (5 states); Caucusus (3 states)
  3. In the Caucusus region, there have been many problems with the new nations and ethnicities. Summarize the main problems and note specifics of regions and peoples for each. Azeris (Azerbaijan) Armenians (Armenia) Georgians (Georgia)
  4. If Abkhazia and South Ossetia become independent states, how would they compare in size to microstates described earlier in this chapter?
C Block Criminology 12 - Hopefully today we can continue our conversation about sexual assault. Please remember you still have to complete two questions: one on Groth's typology of rapist and the other on the causes for sexual assault.

1. Explain the three types of rapist according to Groth (anger, power, and sadistic)
2. Identify and explain the causes for sexual assault

And if you're still struggling with consent...

For more info check out the following sites:

What Teenagers Are Learning From Online Porn
Pornography is more than just sexual fantasy. It’s cultural violence.
United Nations What is Sexual Violence
Why Do Men Sexually Assault Women? Sexual violence against women manifests, rather than violates, society’s norms
Government of Quebec Media Kit on Sexual Violence

And check out:

Love is Respect
Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres
Sexual Assault in Canada
Victoria Sexual Assault Centre
The Devastation of Sexual Assault (pdf)
Comox Valley Transition Society
Comox Valley Family Services

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