C Block Criminology 12 - Okay, so we know where violence comes from. We know what homicide is, the divisions of murder and why people do it. We understand what sexual assault is, the typology of assault and the motives for doing it. Today I'll finish up the violence section with you by looking at abuse and domestic assault.
D Block Human Geography 11 - Today we'll examine the Key Issue "Why Does Development Vary by Gender"? From the UN HDI GII...
"Gender inequality remains a major barrier to human development. Girls and women have made major strides since 1990, but they have not yet gained gender equity. The disadvantages facing women and girls are a major source of inequality. All too often, women and girls are discriminated against in health, education, political representation, labour market, etc. with negative consequences for development of their capabilities and their freedom of choice".Gender Inequality and Development from UnitingWorld - Premier Channel on Vimeo.
The GII measures gender inequalities in three important aspects of human development:
- Reproductive health; measured by maternal mortality ratio and adolescent birth rates;
- Empowerment; measured by proportion of parliamentary seats occupied by females and proportion of adult females and males aged 25 years and older with at least some secondary education and
- Economic status; expressed as labour market participation and measured by labour force participation rate of female and male populations aged 15 years and older.
Better educated women tend to be healthier, participate more in the formal labor market, earn higher incomes, have fewer children, marry at a later age, and enable better health care and education for their children, should they choose to become mothers. All these factors combined can help lift households, communities, and nations out of poverty. According to UNESCO estimates, 130 million girls between the age of 6 and 17 are out of school and 15 million girls of primary-school age—half of them in sub-Saharan Africa— will never enter a classroom. Poverty remains the most important factor for determining whether a girl can access an education. Studies consistently reinforce that girls who face multiple disadvantages — such as low family income, living in remote or underserved locations, disability or belonging to a minority ethno-linguistic group — are farthest behind in terms of access to and completion of education.While looking deeper into the topic, I'll have you work on three questions for me:
- Based on the world maps included in Key Issue 2, which two of the nine world regions appear to have the highest levels of inequality? Do these two regions have high or low HDIs?
- What has been the trend in gender inequality since the 1990s?
- Review the major economic, social, and demographic characteristics that contribute to a country’s level of development. Which indicators can vary significantly by gender within countries and between countries at various levels of development? Why?
A Block Law 12 - Yesterday I had you work on questions 3, 4, and 5 from page 149 of the AAL text. Yoday I'll have you work in partners on the R. v. Clayton (2007) case on page 156 and on the R. v. Shankar (2007) case on page 159 in the All About Law text. Next, we'll review your rights upon arrest from Section 10 of the Charter which states that on arrest or detention, everyone has the right to the following:
- to be informed of the reasons
- to retain and instruct counsel (and to be informed of that right)
- to have the validity of the detention determined by way of habeas corpus(Latin for “produce the body”) and to be released if the detention is not lawful (illegal)
B Block Introduction to Law 10 - I have the library booked so that you may work on the Clue Us In crime scene investigation project. Please note that your library time is coming to a close, today is the last day I have for you in the library, so please don't waste time. Remember you need to create a crime...replicate the crime scene...investigate the crime as if you were an R.C.M.P. officer...and prepare a dossier file to hand over to Crown Counsel so that they may prosecute the case.
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