B Block Law 12 - Today we'll start by looking at commercial and social hosts. After, you may work through the case study project. Please take some time to review invitees, licencees, and tresspassers for occupiers' liability (which is relevant for cases 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8). You can talk to each other as long as it’s about your project. You should be searching for information related to your cases and can use this class blogsite entry for information on negligence, the defences to negligence, civil damages, Good Samaritan , occupiers' liability, the Liquor control and Licensing Act and damages. The Insurance Bureau of Canada has a great webpage to help with Occupier's Liability called Slip/Trip and Fall. On this site it indicates:
As an occupier, you and/or your organization are required to keep areas such as aisles, stairs, ramps, walkways, driveways and parking lots reasonably safe for persons who are using them. Some common hazardous conditions include:
- ice and snow that has not been cleared
- unexpected elevation changes
- uneven surfaces (e.g., cracks, gaps, potholes)
- slippery surfaces (e.g., wet floors, tile flooring)
- missing or loose handrails on stairs
- debris on walking paths (e.g., boxes in aisles)
- inadequate lighting.
- Whether the danger was foreseeable.
- Whether the occupier’s conduct was in accordance with acceptable standards of practice.
- Whether there was an adequate system of inspection (considering the risks involved) in place and carried out.
- Whether the danger was allowed to exist for an unreasonable amount of time.
- The ease with which the danger could have been prevented.
Occupiers Liability Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 337
Products Liability Act
Doing Business in Canada (Product Liability)
Family Compensation Act [RSBC 1996] Chapter 126
Medical Malpractice Canada
Lawyers BC Medical Malpractice
John McKiggan Medical Malpractice Informed Consent (minors)
A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today you'll have time to finish your Courtenay Break and Enter geographic profiling map. Don't forget that you need to use colours that show areas of high, moderate, minimal and low risk for B&E (if one street has 5 incidents out of 61 in a year that's 8% of all Courtenay's B&E incidents...is that a lot? What if it's Crown Isle or Mission Hill or Valley View or Punteledge or the Old Orchard neighbourhood rather than just a street? How many incidents took place in a neighbourhood?) I want you to figure out where you think the Comox Valley RCMP should focus their attention to aid in community-based crime prevention for the city of Courtenay.
On the back of the map I'd like you to explain where a good place would be to start a Block Watch/community policing project? Why there? Don't forget to consider the demographic information I posted yesterday along with this example (from the VPD):
A Community Policing Centre involves local citizens in partnership with the police. Together they create crime prevention programs and community engagement initiatives to address local crime and safety concerns in their own neighbourhoods. An active community is a safe community.
So where would you establish a community policing centre in Courtenay (why...use the map and the data I gave you on the blogsite) and how would you encourage people from that community to join it and what would you suggest are ways to reduce break and enters in that neighbourhood/community?
D Block Introduction to Psychology 11 -Today we look at instinct, reflex and learning. There are three main types of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning. Learning theories can be and have been applied to change behaviours in many areas of everyday life and even some advertising uses classical conditioning to associate a pleasant response with a product. In classical conditioning, consumers respond to a stimulus in a particular, unconscious way – for example, by salivating when they see a picture of delicious food. In operant conditioning, advertisers try to change consumers' behavior by using rewards or punishment. For example, by giving consumers money back after buying a particular product. Consider this...
Michelin’s use of babies sitting in tires. The babies (Unconditioned Stimulus) elicit positive feelings (Unconditioned Response) from the exposed person. The tires become the Conditioned Stimulus. When the tires elicit the same positive feelings, the feelings become the Conditioned Response. For Operant conditioning in advertising consider this...
Rewards are frequently and effectively used to change behaviour and this demonstrates Skinner's ideas. Albert Bandura, however, proposed a brand of behaviorism called social learning theory or observational learning, we learn by watching others and then imitating, or modeling, what they do or say...
When we finish I'd like you to answer the following:
- If the smell of the cafeteria causes your mouth to water, what are the UCS, CS, and CR?
- A teacher places gold stars on the chalkboard when the students are quiet and attentive. Eventually, the students start becoming quiet and attentive whenever the teacher approaches the chalkboard. Can you explain the students’ behaviour in terms of classical conditioning?
- Think of a behavior that you have that you would like to change. How could you use behavior modification, specifically positive reinforcement, to change your behavior? What is your positive reinforcer?
- Cara is 17 years old. Cara’s mother and father both drink alcohol every night. They tell Cara that drinking is bad and she shouldn’t do it. Cara goes to a party where beer is being served. What do you think Cara will do? Why?
- Explain some examples of advertisements that make use of classical conditioning to create positive attitudes toward products?
C Block Social Studies 11 - We'll continue in the library for the next day for you to work on your "Complete Idiot's Guide to Fascist Dictatorship" project (due next Monday). I really don't want you to get caught up in the minutia of details. The important thing here is to see the big picture and understand how the dictators in the 30's came to power and then held on to power. Look at yesterday's blog entry for help or see me too. I'll have a few previous examples in the library for you to peruse. Good luck.
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