Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Wednesday, May 10. 2017

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Law 12 - Today I'll explain the benefits of an out of court settlement and identify why negotiating an agreement is better than going to court. After, we'll look over information about damages. Here is some info to help:

Compensatory Damages - The basis: Compensation in tort law is based on the principle of restitutio in integrum. The Purpose: To restore the Plaintiff, in so far as money can do, to the same position as if no tort had been committed. It entitles Plaintiff to be compensated for their pecuniary and non-pecuniary losses arising from the Defendant’s tort. Compensatory damages are divided into Special and General damages. Special Damages include: Pre-trial pecuniary losses incurred by Plaintiff which includes lost income, nursing and personal attendant costs, medical expenses and consequential expenses. General Damages include: Future losses resulting from Defendant’s tort. A Plaintiff may be compensated for three heads of damages under general damages: (1) Inability to work; (2) future care cost; and (3) non-pecuniary losses. Each item of damage must be separately considered and compensated for.

Non-Compensatory Damages include: Punitive Damages: These are appropriate where Defendant’s misconduct was so malicious, oppressive and highhanded. Their Purpose: Punishment and deterrence. Nominal Damages: which are small amounts of money awarded when the plaintiff has successfully established a cause of action but has suffered no substantial loss or is unable to prove what that loss is. Their purpose: Vindication of the Plaintiff’s rights and a minor deterrence to the Defendant.

The rest of the class is time for you to work on your project. Good Luck.

A Block Introduction to Law 9/ 10 - We start with our first quiz in the course. You may use the note sheet I gave you yesterday and the theories handout I gave you a few weeks ago. If you have been here in class, paying attention and following along with what we've covered then I'm certain you'll do well. After you have finished, I'd like you to complete the work from Monday

I'd like you to: Explain the types of serial and mass murderer along with the reasons why they commit these crimes. 

You can find the answers to this in the work of Jack Levin and James Alan Fox "Multiple Homicide: Patterns of Serial and Mass Murder". The summary of their work is on pages 234 and 235 of the Criminology the Core textbook in the Criminological Enterprise section.

And Please answer the following as well:

Identify and explain the roots of violence

Use pages 222-224 of the Criminology the Core textbook to help. Please check in with me or check MyEdBC to see if you're completely caught up in the course.

D Block Introduction to Psychology 11 - Today we look at Altered States of Consciousness. We'll look at non drug induced altered states (hypnosis, meditation and sensory deprivation) as well as the four primary classes of psychoactive drugs: stimulants, depressants, opioids, and hallucinogens.

I'll ask you to explain the effects of some psychoactive drugs and to answer the following:

  1. Many people experiment with some sort of psychoactive substance at some point in their lives. Why do you think people are motivated to use substances that alter consciousness?
  2. How do drugs work in the brain to produce pleasure?
  3. What happens to your brain if you keep taking drugs (long-term drug use affecting brain circuits)?
  4. Under what circumstances would you be willing to consider hypnosis and/or meditation as a treatment option? What kind of information would you need before you decided to use these techniques?

C Block Social Studies 11 -Today we'll watch episode 3 of "The Dark Years" from the NFB. I'll need you to answer the following:

  1. How did Canadians respond to the Spanish Civil War?
  2. Which armies aided Franco’s rebel army during the Spanish Civil War? How did these armies benefit from their involvement in the war?
  3. How were Canadian veterans of the Spanish Civil War treated upon their return to Canada and why? 
  4. What event eased the unemployment that had plagued Canada through the Great Depression? What were the Canadians who took these new jobs producing?

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