Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday, May 8. 2017

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

Don't forget that we have our Student Vote today. The polling station will be open before school and at lunch, right across from the Cafeteria. Student Vote provides youth under the voting age with an opportunity to experience the voting process firsthand and build the habits of active and engaged citizenship. So get on out and vote today!

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we'll finish our look at psychopathy (we'll finish the video from Thursday. Remember that Dr. Robert Hare describes people he calls psychopaths as "intraspecies predators who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, sex and violence to control others and to satisfy their own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience and empathy, they take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse". So we'll look at Serial Killers as a bridge between profiling, forensic psychiatry, and criminal investigative procedures. I'd like you to:

Explain the types of serial and mass murderer along with the reasons why they commit these crimes. 

You can find the answers to this in the work of Jack Levin and James Alan Fox "Multiple Homicide: Patterns of Serial and Mass Murder". The summary of their work is on pages 234 and 235 of the Criminology the Core textbook in the Criminological Enterprise section.

When looking for the typology of Serial Killers (for your assignment that you'll start tomorrow) consider the following excerpt from the book Serial Murder and the Psychology of Violent Crimes:

Serial Murder by Holmes, R. M., & DeBurger, J. E. (1988) identifies the following

1.Visionary Type—these murderers kill as a result of command hallucinations, delusions, or visions whose sources customarily include the forces of good or evil. These offenders are typically psychotic, leaving the crime scene in utter disarray. The homicides occur quickly with no extensive acts of torture. Frequently, the assailant relies on weapons of opportunity to commit his crimes and discards or locates the death instrument(s) in the victim’s body.

2. Mission-Oriented Type—the goal for these slayers is to kill certain types of people or to rid society of particular types of individuals. These serial murderers target victims based on their ethnicity, occupation (e.g., prostitutes), and/or age. Additionally, they determine whom to assail based on whether the person is deemed unworthy, undesirable, or somehow less than human. To illustrate, Jack the Ripper targeted prostitutes and viewed them as disposable. He dehumanized their bodies through mutilation in the process of killing them. In a letter written to the press by Jack the Ripper, he stated, “I am down on whores and shan’t quit ripping them.” Typically, the murders occur quickly and they are often planned. The mission-oriented offender does not engage in postmortem activities such as necrophilia or dismemberment and the weapon employed is not disposed of at the crime scene.

3. Hedonistic Type—these offenders murder as a result of sensation seeking or otherwise derive some sort of pleasure from their killings. Holmes and Holmes divided this type of assailant into two subcategories: the lust killer and the thrill killer. Both are summarily described below.

The lust killer murders principally for sexual gratification even if this does not entail traditional intercourse. However, sex or multiple sadistically erotic acts with a live victim are common. Sexually arousing behavior is the driving force for this offender, even after the person has killed the victim. Moreover, this attacker may also be sexually excited and/or satisfied from the murder itself. Ritualistic displays of sexual mutilation, facial disfigurement, cannibalism, body dismemberment, vampirism, and necrophilia are routinely featured in this type of homicidal act. The body is often concealed and the murder weapon taken. Close contact murder; specifically, beating or manual strangulation, are noted as most common.

The thrill killer murders for the visceral excitement the assailant experiences. However, once the victim is dead, the offender loses complete interest. As a result, the process of killing is prolonged as long as possible through extended acts of torture. The use of restraints and the presence of bite marks and burns on the victim’s body are characteristic behaviors for this type of slayer. Sadistic acts whose frequency is prolonged as long as possible prior to death, a concealed corpse, manual or ligature strangulation, and an animated victim during multiple sexual acts all characterize the patterns and motives of this type of assailant. manual or ligature strangulation, and an animated victim during multiple sexual acts all characterize the patterns and motives of this type of assailant.

4. Power/Control Oriented Type – these offenders harbor deep-seated feelings of inadequacy or attempt to compensate for a perceived lack of social or personal mastery over themselves by thoroughly dominating their victims. Holmes and DeBurger maintained that the primary motive for these offenders is not sexual in nature. Instead, these assailants desire complete and unfettered control over and subjugation of their powerless victims, including during the postmortem period. Consequently, torture, the use of restraints, strangulation, severed body parts, and decapitation are all routinely featured in these homicidal acts. A profound sense omnipotence – having the ultimate power of life or death over one’s victims as they cower and plead for their lives – fuels this type of serial killer. The act of murder is extended in order to increase the felt sense of gratification. The offender’s modus operandi is planned and organized, the body is concealed, and the weapon is absent.

B Block Law 12 -  Today we'll take a look at the main differences between civil and criminal law.
I would like you to read the Thomas v Hamilton Board of Education (1994) case and we'll talk about it together. If there's time then I'd like to look at the Thornton et al. v. Board of School Trustees of School District No. 57 (Prince George) et al. (1978) case together (kind of an important case for non-pecuniary loss in Canada). We'll discuss this case and then I'll go through civil trial procedures with you and give you some notes on summons or statements of claim and the options available when a lawsuit is claimed against you (statement of defense, counterclaims, third party claims, or default judgement). Next I'll explain the benefits of an out of court settlement and identify why negotiating an agreement is better than going to court.You can find more on the differences between criminal and civil law at: Diffen or OttoGraph

C Block Social Studies 11 - We'll continue with Friday's work on the political parties that emerged in reaction to the harsh economic and political climate of the Depression. We will look at the Union Nationale (Maurice Duplessis), the Social Credit Party (William "Bible Bill" Aberhart) and the Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation (J.S. Woodsworth). We'll even talk about the Canadian Nationalist Party (Joseph Farr) and the National Social Christian Party (Adrien Arcand) which were both unabashedly fascist (Arcand eventually became the leader of the National Unity Party).

Lastly you'll need to work on questions 1 & 2 on page 86, 1 & 2 from page 89 and question 3 from page 90 of the Counterpoints book. Tomorrow we'll begin our look at the rise of dictators in the 20's & 30's

D Block Introduction to Psychology 11 - Today we'll look at consciousness & sleep. Consciousness describes our awareness of internal stimuli (feeling pain, hunger, thirst, sleepiness, and being aware of our thoughts and emotions) and external stimuli (seeing light from the sun, feeling the warmth of a room, and hearing the voice of a friendly psychology teacher in room 611). Our experience of consciousness is used to guide and control our behaviour, and to think logically about problems. When we are not fully conscious we may be asleep. We spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping. Given the average life expectancy for Canada in 2016 falls between 80 years old (for men) and 84 years old (for women) we can expect to spend approximately 28 years of our lives sleeping! Today we'll look at circadian rhythms and the purpose and stages of sleep. You'll have a few awesome Crash Course videos to be fully conscious of and then a few questions to answer in your fully alert conscious state. 

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