Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Wednesday, February 1. 2017

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Law 12 - Today we'll jump back in to our Introduction to Law unit, first by quickly the five functions of law and the divisions of Public (criminal, constitutional, and administrative) and Private law (tort, family, contract, property, and labour law). Next, we'll look at Hammurabi, Mosaic law, Common law, Precedent and Case law. Finally, we'll look at Precedent and Case law. We'll work on understanding case citations (R. v. Kerr, 2004, and Grant v. Dempsey, 2001). We'll discuss the "rule of law" and quickly review the Social Studies 11 topics of our constitution and how laws are made.

I'll have you work on questions from page 21 of the All About Law textbook:

  • Question 2 How did the English common law system develop? 
  • Question 3 How is the rule of precedent used in today’s system of law? and 
  • Question 5 Explain the significance of statute law as a source of law? 

For more on how to read case studies check out:
Reading a Legal Citation Queens University
Legal Citation Guide UBC
Scroll down to Case Citation on this PowerPoint from New Learner
Duhaime.org Legal Citations Guide

A Block Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today, we'll review your handout on Crime Theories. This will help you with your crime theory that you are creating. Remember, you need to create your own theory of why crime happens. Use the handout I gave you on crime theories and for more help check out the Crime Theory Web Site found on this link.

After some time, we'll share your own theories of why crime happens (yes I'd like to have volunteers rather than voluntolds). We'll see if there are any similarities amongst the different theories we made and try to understand just what that may mean.

Lastly (and in tomorrow's class as well) I'll ask you to create an interview where you are a famous Canadian criminologist being interviewed by George Stroumboulopoulos on his CBC television show. What you'll need to do is come up with some crazy, creepy or absurdly normal crime that gained huge notoriety in Canada (murder, treason, assault, embezzlement, kidnapping, criminal harassment - AKA stalking, drug trafficking, gang related activities or some minor crime perpetrated by a major Canadian celebrity - oh just imagine Justin Bieber being charged with what). After you create a crime story idea, you'll need to have five questions that George will ask you (no "what's your name" doesn't count as one). Try to come up with questions that you can reasonably answer within three to four sentences..."So what do you think motivated (person X) to commit (action Y)"?

What should this look like? A brief paragraph that introduces the crime and gives a brief biography of you is the start. Next write out the five questions George will ask you about the crime, the perpetrator, the kind of person who commits that crime, the motives of that person, an explanation of your personal crime theory and then try to answer them using your theory.

D Block Criminology 12 - Today I want you to back in your pod/groupings so that you can try to categorize your ideas on why crime occurs into crime theory clusters (similar categories). We'll see where your clusters fit in terms of Choice, Trait, Social Structure, Social Learning, and Conflict theories. After this, we'll begin our look at the nature vs. nurture debate by focusing on the history of psychological and sociological criminology (from B.C.E up to and including the current theories) which will help you with your first activity in the course). I'll give you a handout "a brief history of criminology" which will help.

C Block Social Studies 11 - Symbols of Identity...your new flags used symbols that represented a Canadian Identity. So what does it mean to be Canadian?

I'd like you to watch the Shane Koyczan spoken word performance of his poem "We Are More" from the opening ceremony at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver...

...but we are more
than genteel or civilized
we are an idea in the process
of being realized
we are young
we are cultures strung together
then woven into a tapestry
and the design
is what makes us more
than the sum total of our history
we are an experiment going right for a change...

NBC reporter Tom Brokaw explains the relationship between Canada and The United States, in a pre-recorded short film that aired prior to the Opening Ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on Feb. 12th, 2010...

And then there's Classified's "Oh Canada"

What symbols do you see in the video? What symbols represent Canada?

What about the symbols we use for government?
So finish up your flags and remember think about what it means to be Canadian and what symbols help to show that?

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