Monday, January 16, 2017

Tuesday, January 17. 2017

Today's schedule is  C-D-A-B

C & B Blocks Social Studies 11 - Today we'll finish our quick look at demography and population. We'll watch a couple of short videos. After each video, I'd like you to tell me what you observe and I hope to have a discussion on the population information.

The Miniature Earth

National Geographic 7 Billion

After the videos we'll then move into dependency ratio and China's One Child policy. We'll work through questions questions 2 & 3 on page 331 in the Counterpoints textbook. Tomorrow we'll look at population density, carrying capacity, and begin our look at living standards.
BBC News - Has China's One Child Policy Worked?
BBC News - China 'Steps Up' One Child Policy
China's One Child Family Policy
China's One Child Polity Enters New Phase

D Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - This week we'll take a look at crime waves, moral panics and the media with a special focus today on age (specifically youth). We’ll look at the way the media turns “ordinary” criminal events into extraordinary criminal “panics”. This happens when the Mass Media (usually led by the press) defines a group or an act as deviant and focuses on it to the exclusion of almost anything else. This then focuses the public’s negative attention on the group or act and demonizes people associated with it. When it comes to crime, young people are often lumped into one of two contradictory categories: Tragic Victims or Evil Monsters. We'll try to make sense of how the media covers youth criminals and victims using the 2012 murder of Syklar Neese...

A Block Geography 12 -Today we'll continue our look at resources, resource use, and management issues. We'll talk about renewable and non-renewable resources along with the four ethical views on resource use (economic/exploitation; preservationist; balanced-multiple use; and ecological or sustainable). Our focus will be on water consumption (Don't forget I'd like you to track your water consumption for the week). After, we'll watch the first few sections of the Human Footprint DVD we previewed yesterday. We'll get through scenes 1-6 today (from birth up to early 20's) and this will take about 45 minutes of class time. When the DVD is over I'd like you to answer the following:

  1. Why do different cultures use and consume things at different rates? What do the numbers and facts in the video say about North American society?
  2. In some areas of the world people are already in conflict over a limited amount of natural resources. How will a growing population affect people’s access to food, potable (safe drinking) water, and fuel? What affect might the population increase have on pollution and encroachment on wildlife habitats?


Anonymous said...

Jensen Keltie is an outstanding student who has never failed to shine in any given course she has attended. I believe that an A+ in your course is only right and is very well-justified given her past achievements.

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is a very informative blog! Keep up the good work man!