B & C Blocks Social Studies 11 - We'll start today with the the Winnipeg General Strike work in your Counterpoints textbook (questions 1 & 2 from page 51). After we'll begin an activity on the 20's in Canada. Using chapter 3 in the Counterpoints textbook (pages 48-72) you need to identify the changes in and challenges to Canada for the following four topics:
- Arts, Culture, and Leisure
- Government, International Autonomy, and Political Parties
- Industry, Jobs, and Wealth
- Society (race, gender, social class), Urbanization, and Values
This will be done in a webbed format and needs to show the massive cultural and economic shift that occurred in the 1920's. When completing this activity you'll need to identify any connections between the topics that you can. You'll need to look at: prohibition in Canada and branch plants in Canada; William Lyon Mackenzie King, the Halibut Treaty, the Chanak Affair, the Statute of Westminister and the King-Byng crisis; Aboriginal title and cut off lands (including Joe Capilano), racial segregation and immigration laws, Emily Murphy and the Person's Case; as well as the Group of Seven, Emily Carr, the US influence on Canadian culture.

Here are some websites to help...
Outside on line article on Avalanches
Crested Butte Avalanche Center
Utah Avalanche Center danger scales
Mount Washington Avalanche Control & Safety
BC Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure Avalanche & Weather page
CBC News Map of BC Avalanche Deaths 2010 - 2012
BC Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure Avalanche & Weather page
CBC News Map of BC Avalanche Deaths 2010 - 2012
Gradation Unit Test Review: Weeks 8-9-10
Week 7 – Weathering & MW
Names of MW (Big 3 – flows slides and falls – speed and consistency)
Chemical & Physical Weathering (Frost Action, Oxidation & Solution – Carbonation)
Karst (Carbonation created it – found in limestone) – features (stalagmite, stalactite & flowstone)
Slopes – causes of slope failure
Week 8 – H2O & Streams
Water Cycle terminology (condensation, evaporation, precipitation, transpiration, percolation, infiltration, aquifer, zones of aeration and saturation)
Where is most of fresh water
Transportation of sediment in water (bed load & suspended load)
Drainage Basins (Dendritic and Deranged)
Young – mature – old profile (what’s going on in terms of erosion & deposition) and features of young & old
Deltas (4 types)
Floods * (causes, damages, impact) *hint hint
Cross section of a river (meandering profile page 10 of week 8)
Week 9 Coasts, Glaciers & Deserts
Longshore Drift (swash & backwash) – depositional coastlines (spit/barrier bar)
Erosional coastline (Cave-Arch-Stack)
Continental vs Alpine erosion (scouring & plucking) – features cirque, horn (pyrimidical peak) & hanging valley, U Shaped valley & truncated spur, drumlin & fjord
Deposition – moraines
Deserts – erosion (Aeolian) & transportation & desertification (increasing sizes of deserts – causes)
Playa – alluvial fans
D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll continue with our look at social order crimes. Immoral acts are distinguished from crimes on the basis of the social harm they cause. Acts that are believed to be extremely harmful to the general public are usually outlawed, whereas acts that only the harm the actor themselves are more likely to be tolerated. Acts that are illegal because they are viewed as a threat to morality are called public order crimes. I'll remind you that we already looked at the difference between what is deviant and what is criminal and this topic covers crimes that straddle the line between the two. People who lobby hard for their morals to become law are called moral entrepreneurs or crusaders. The power of moral entrepreneurs can be quite strong and we'll see that today.
Think about Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD). From Craig Reinarman's article Social Construction of an Alcohol Problem:
Consider the following: Sir Patrick Devlin stated…
So yesterday I briefly gave you a question that should have been hard to answer, a question about shared morals and the law. Should we legalize prostitution? Think about the two opposing views:
Week 7 – Weathering & MW
Names of MW (Big 3 – flows slides and falls – speed and consistency)
Chemical & Physical Weathering (Frost Action, Oxidation & Solution – Carbonation)
Karst (Carbonation created it – found in limestone) – features (stalagmite, stalactite & flowstone)
Slopes – causes of slope failure
Week 8 – H2O & Streams
Water Cycle terminology (condensation, evaporation, precipitation, transpiration, percolation, infiltration, aquifer, zones of aeration and saturation)
Where is most of fresh water
Transportation of sediment in water (bed load & suspended load)
Drainage Basins (Dendritic and Deranged)
Young – mature – old profile (what’s going on in terms of erosion & deposition) and features of young & old
Deltas (4 types)
Floods * (causes, damages, impact) *hint hint
Cross section of a river (meandering profile page 10 of week 8)
Week 9 Coasts, Glaciers & Deserts
Longshore Drift (swash & backwash) – depositional coastlines (spit/barrier bar)
Erosional coastline (Cave-Arch-Stack)
Continental vs Alpine erosion (scouring & plucking) – features cirque, horn (pyrimidical peak) & hanging valley, U Shaped valley & truncated spur, drumlin & fjord
Deposition – moraines
Deserts – erosion (Aeolian) & transportation & desertification (increasing sizes of deserts – causes)
Playa – alluvial fans
D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll continue with our look at social order crimes. Immoral acts are distinguished from crimes on the basis of the social harm they cause. Acts that are believed to be extremely harmful to the general public are usually outlawed, whereas acts that only the harm the actor themselves are more likely to be tolerated. Acts that are illegal because they are viewed as a threat to morality are called public order crimes. I'll remind you that we already looked at the difference between what is deviant and what is criminal and this topic covers crimes that straddle the line between the two. People who lobby hard for their morals to become law are called moral entrepreneurs or crusaders. The power of moral entrepreneurs can be quite strong and we'll see that today.
Think about Mother's Against Drunk Driving (MADD). From Craig Reinarman's article Social Construction of an Alcohol Problem:
The credibility of MADD, especially at its outset, was impeccable. The parents of children who have been killed in drunk-driving accidents are exceptionally strong symbols. There are few groups of victims who can inspire as much sympathy and adherence as the grieving mother. And this is one of the central foundations of MADD's success. The organisation was started in August of 1980 in Sacramento, California by a woman named Candy Lightner whose daughter had been killed by a hit-and-run drunk driver with multiple DUI (driving under the influence) convictions some 4 months prior. During the criminal proceedings Lightner was appalled by the apparent leniency and lack of concern demonstrated by the justice system towards drunk drivers and the rights of the victim. The campaign began with her tireless lobbying in the initial months and a strong push to make drunk driving a political issue where it had previously not been.
Consider the following: Sir Patrick Devlin stated…
Without shared ideas on politics, morals, and ethics no society can exist…. If men and women try to create a society in which there is no fundamental agreement about good and evil, they will fail; if having based it on common agreement, the argument goes, the society will disintegrate. For society is not something that is kept together physically; it is held by the invisible bonds of common thought. If the bonds were too far relaxed, the members would drift apart. A common morality is part of the bondage. The bondage is part of the price of society; and mankind, which needs society, must pay its price.As you can see, the power of moral entrepreneurs can be quite strong. After we discuss moral entrepreneurs (crusaders) and then I'll add two questions to yesterday's work:
- Should drugs be legalized? Why? If you believe drugs should be legalized, think about whether all drugs should be legalized or just a select few. Why should certain drugs be legalized and others not?
- Should prostitution be legalized? Why? If you believe it should be legalized, should all the forms of prostitution described in your text be legalized, or only a select few? If prostitution were legalized should government be able to exercise some control over it?
- Does pornography lead to violence? Why? Is it harmful? Why Consider all forms of pornography (what is currently legal and illegal) when you answer this question.
So yesterday I briefly gave you a question that should have been hard to answer, a question about shared morals and the law. Should we legalize prostitution? Think about the two opposing views:
- Sexual Equality View The prostitute is a victim of male dominance. In patriarchal societies, male power is predicated on female subjugation, and prostitution is a clear example of this gender exploitation
- Free Choice View Prostitution, if freely chosen, expresses woman’s equality and is not a symptom of subjugation.
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