B & C Blocks Social Studies 11 - Today you'll look at the assassination of Franz Ferdinand on BBC's "Days That Shook the World". After, we'll go through the initial stages of conflict from Gavrillo Princip's assassination of the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife through the ultimatums and mobilizations that brought the wider European continent into conflict by September 1914. I'll have you look at the Canada's response...Governor General, Field-Marshal H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, cabled the Secretary of State for the Colonies his Government's firm assurance that
if unhappily war should ensue the Canadian people will be united in a common resolve to put forth every effort and to make every sacrifice necessary to ensure the integrity and maintain the honour of our Empire.A great wave of loyal demonstrations surged across Canada. The enthusiasm of crowds in the Montreal streets singing "La Marseillaise" and "Rule Britannia" was matched by the stirring spectacle of the impromptu parades, waving of flags, processions of decorated automobiles, and impassioned speeches with which every western city from Winnipeg to Victoria received the news of war. In 1914 the Canadian military numbered...wait for it...3110 permanent active militia (in all ranks) and 684 horses (think Calvary) with 74,213 non permanent active militia (reserves). The government set a quota of 25,000 active militia to be trained at Camp Valcartier and to head overseas by 1915 (the first infantry battalion was the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry which entered the allied line as part of the 80th Brigade, 27th Division). This was the creation of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (good history on the CEF here).
You'll need to work on questions 1 & 2 from page 24 as well as question 2 from page 47 along with questions 2, 3, and 4 from page 28 of the Counterpoints textbook. Lastly, if there's time, we'll talk about the technology of warfare in 1914 - 1915 and how the mechanization of war enabled a horrific toll to be exacted upon soldiers and the landscape.

D Block Criminology 12 - For terrorism consider the following:
By design, terrorist attacks are intended to have a psychological impact far outweighing the physical damage the attack causes. As their name suggests, they are meant to cause terror that amplifies the actual attack. A target population responding to a terrorist attack with panic and hysteria allows the perpetrators to obtain a maximum return on their physical effort. One way to mitigate the psychological impact of terrorism is to remove the mystique and hype associated with it. The first step in this demystification is recognizing that terrorism is a tactic used by a variety of actors and that it will not go away. Terrorism and, more broadly, violence are and will remain part of the human condition. The Chinese, for example, did not build the Great Wall to attract tourists, but to keep out marauding hordes. Fortunately, today's terrorists are far less dangerous to society than the Mongols were to Ming China.
For more on this read Keeping Terrorism in Perspective at Stratfor
For information on terrorism check out:
Terrorism Watch and Warning
DHS Preventing Terrorism
Global Terrorism Database
FBI Terrorism
Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada Terrorism
National Counterterrorism Center
I'll have you work on the following questions:
- Despite cultural awareness and various initiatives in schools and in the media, hate crimes continue to happen in significant numbers in Canada. Discuss the types of hate crimes most prevalent in Canada and the current responses to them.
- Governments have tried numerous responses to terrorism. Discuss some of these responses.
- It is unlikely that the threat of punishment can deter robbery; most robbers refuse to think about apprehension and punishment. Wright and Decker suggest that eliminating cash and relying on debit and credit cards may be the most productive method to reduce the incidence of robbery. Although this seems far-fetched, society is becoming progressively more cashless; it is now possible to buy both gas and groceries with credit cards. Would a cashless society end the threat of robbery, or would innovative robbers find new targets?
- Based on what you know about how robbers target victims, how can you better protect yourself from robbery?
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