Monday, November 9, 2015

Tuesday, November 10. 2015

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B and because there is a Remembrance Day Assembly the block rotation times look like this:
C 8:58-10:08
Assembly 10:13-10:48
D 10:53-12:02
Lunch 12:02-12:45
A 12:50-2:00
B 2:05-3:15

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll finish our look at drug use in Canada along with gangs and cartels (Narcocorrido).

D Block Geography 12 - Today you have your Gradation Unit Final test. This test will take the whole class to complete and if came prepared then I am certain you will do fine. Relax, breathe, and dazzle me with what you know

A Block Social Studies 10 -  Today you'll have the class to finish your Confederation timelines that you began in yesterday's class. Remember, cut & paste the events in proper order on your timeline and add a caption for each event explaining what the event is and how it is related to Confederation along with when it happened. Then there are pictures of people; place those people on the back of your timeline (yes, each person needs a caption of who they are and what colony/province they are from and if they were pro/con confederation). Use colour to make your timeline stand out. You will need to submit these by the end of today's class.

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