A Block Social Studies 10 - First you'll need to finish yesterday's work: define Family Compact, United Empire Loyalist, Clergy Reserves, Assembly, and Governor and the questions on the "Get to the Source: The Family Compact" section on page 53 of Horizons. Then we'll look at the ethnic "diversity" of Canada in the 1800's. I'll have you use the information from page 59, Figure 2-18, to construct a pie graph showing the percentage of the 1871 population who were: French, Irish, English, Scottish, or Other. You'll get two hand outs “The Immigrant Experience” (LM 2.4) and “Graphing Ethnic Groups” (LM 2.5) that I'll need you to work on in class. In these activities you are graphing and mapping the immigrants to Canada in the early 1800’s. After this please complete questions 1 & 2 on page 56 of the Horizons text along with questions 2 & 5 on page 64 of the Horizons text.

You will have a series of questions to answer about the volcanology in the movie. Believe it or not there are actually some good things about the movie. I'm a big fan of the lahars and the pyroclastic flow is a fairly decent recreation. What I really want is a truck that can drive over top and through a lava flow like the US Forest Service truck in the movie...That would be sweet! Seriously though there are too many errors in science to count but you'll need to try to identify a few. We'll finish the movie Thursday...and you have a test Friday.
1. Explain the three types of rapist according to Groth (anger, power, and sadistic)
2. Identify and explain the causes for sexual assault
You'll need to look at evolutionary and biological factors (remember Sigmund Freud's Thantos and Eros or instinctual drives that allowed species to be successful)? Look at modern male socialization (boys are taught to be aggressive, forceful, tough, and dominating...think about how boys play when they're young) and then at hypermasculinity (where some men have callous sexual attitudes and believe that violence is "manly"). Lastly consider both violent experiences (remember that those boys who were exposed to violence in the household are more likely to commit violent acts when they grow older) and sexual motivation (social, cultural, and psychological forces...think about the messages hidden in Axe body spray commercials).
For more info check out the following sites:
Teen Handbook on Sexual Assault (Sarnia Sexual Assault Survivor's Centre)
The Devastation of Sexual Assault (Canadian Resource Centre for Victims of Crime)
Prevent Sexual Violence: Love Shouldn't Hurt Youth Zone
Alberta Association of Sexual Assault Centres
Consider the message that this commercial sends to people...
Now consider what the commercial indicates about sex in modern society. Who is the commercial targeted at and what are the sexual roles in the commercial.
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