Monday, June 8, 2015

Tuesday, June 9. 2015

Today's schedule is C-AG-D-A-B

C Block Geography 12 -  Today is a crucial day in Geography 12. First in order to help with yesterday's question about human cultures and parasitic/symbiotic relationships we'll watch Dr. Sam Ohu Gon III, speaking as Senior Scientist and Cultural Advisor to The Nature Conservancy of Hawaii

After, we will be discussing biogeochemical cycles - specifically the carbon and nitrogen cycles. We'll see what Tim and Moby have to tell us about the carbon and nitrogen cycles. We will also be discussing the flow of energy through an ecosystem (trophic layers and food webs).
It is very important that you review systems and feedback from week 1 of the course. For a great on-line text resource check out the Human Ecology textbook by Gerry Marten. For more on cycles in ecosystems check out:
Biogeochemical Cycles at Windows to the Universe
Biogeochemical Cycles at Geography 4 Kids
Biogeochemical Cycles at Michael Ritter's on line "The Physical Environment" text
Trophic Pyramids and Food Webs at Physical Geography
Food Chains and Food Webs
Build a Food Web "Chain Reaction" game
Bill Nye video "(It's the) Food Web" by Food Webby Web on the Soundtrack of Science
McGraw Hill BC Grade 7 Science textbook animation on PCB's and Bioaccumulation

D Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - This week we'll take a look at crime waves, moral panics and the media with a special focus today on age (specifically youth). We’ll look at the way the media turns “ordinary” criminal events into extraordinary criminal “panics”. This happens when the Mass Media (usually led by the press) defines a group or an act as deviant and focuses on it to the exclusion of almost anything else. This then focuses the public’s negative attention on the group or act and demonizes people associated with it.

When it comes to crime, young people are often lumped into one of two contradictory categories:
Tragic Victims or Evil Monsters. We'll look at the media's portrayal of young tragic victims and evil monsters using the 1993 U.K. murder of James Bulger. The media's coverage of this case twenty years ago radically altered the view of childhood in the United Kingdom in an overwhelmingly negative fashion and is a "watershed" in terms of youth justice and the attitude towards children.
TruTV - Death of James Bulger
BBC News - Every Parent's Nightmare

We'll try to make sense of how the media covers youth criminals and victims and see what local examples we can look at (Reena Virk and Kimberley Proctor are two)

B Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll continue looking at the connection between the social problems (gender, health, children, etc.) in HIPC's with economic development. We will examine traditional economies which are based in primary industries and subsistence farming and compare those with developing and developed economies. I'll have two videos for you to watch and some questions afterwards.


The questions are as follows:

GDP per capita (341)
infrastructure (343)
HIPCs (343)
SAPs (347)
MNCs (347)
U5MR (354)
CIDA (361
NGOs (361)
Answer the following questions:

Explain what the UN Human Development Index is.
Identify and explain SIX major factors that determine standards of living around the globe (p. 343-360).
What is the cycle of poverty (p.347)

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