A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll start our look at the Stock Market crash of 1929 and see the long term impacts it had on the Canadian economy. We'll see how material consumption drives the North American economic market and determine what impact losses on the stock market had on consumer confidence (We will not examine Supply-Side economics or Keynesian macroeconomic theory - you should take Mr. Rebitt's classes if you are interested here). We'll try to understand stocks and shares, supply and demand, and the costs of using credit. We'll also look at protectionism and see how it impacts international markets. We'll watch a few Brain Pop videos and take a few notes today. You have only question 1 a & b from page 79 in Counterpoints to work on.
History Channel: the 1929 Stock Market Crash
Susanna McLeod Stock Market Crash 1929 Canada
You Tube Stock Market Crash video
Why is the Stock Market Crash of 1929 relevant today? David Frum explained the link between 1928 and 2008 like this:
Americans assumed
crushing levels of debt in the 2000s to buy expensive homes, homes they assumed
would continue to rise in price forever. In 2007, household debt relative to income peaked at the highest level
since 1928. (Uh oh.) When the housing market crashed, consumers were stranded
with unsustainable debts, and until those debts are reduced, consumers will
drastically cut back their spending. As consumers cut back, businesses lose
revenue. As businesses lose revenue, they fire employees. As employees lose
their jobs, their purchasing power is reduced. As purchasing power is lost
throughout the economy, housing prices tumble again.
Rinse and repeat.
Since 2008, the debt burden on households has declined somewhat, partly
because of increased saving, mostly because of mortgage default. But household
debts have declined nowhere near enough, and the pace of household debt
reduction is slowing.
The result: slow
recovery of the private economy, weak consumer demand, paltry job growth --
considerably offset by continuing job shrinkage in the public

B Block Geography 12 - We're switching order a bit this week. Tomorrow we'll look at weather extremes and I'll answer your weather questions. Today we'll look at the composition and vertical structure of the atmosphere focusing on the bottom two layers (Troposphere and Stratosphere) through this we'll complete the Atmosphere in the Vertical activity along with a few questions on the atmosphere. I'm so excited to be starting weather! Hail, lightning, tornadoes, and hurricanes are four on "the list" get ready, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
C Block Law 9/10 - Today you have the class work on the following assignment: Every day we have specific routines we engage in. Many of these routines are tailored to preventing us from becoming victims of crime. We do things like lock our doors, watch where we walk at night, or avoid walking alone. We take these actions because at some level we are afraid of the possibility of being a victim of crime. Despite taking these actions people often fall prey to crime in Canada.

Is there a “typical” victim of crime? I would like you to explain and draw the typical victim of that crime now. I want you to think about STEREOTYPES...What would the stereotypical victim of an assault look like and behave like? An assault is any unwanted application of force so who would be the typical person in school that would be punched, shoved, or picked on? You will need to keep in mind the demographic statistics about victims and the factors that add to the risks of being a victim. This will be due on Friday. You will need to look at the following factors when determining who might be a target for violent crime in Canada:
• Gender
• Age
• Social Status (wealth and social cohorts)
• Relationship status
• Behaviour / Demeanour
• Location
So there are two things you need to accomplish:
A) Identify the characteristics listed above of the most likely victim of that crime (you may cheat and look in the course handout/booklet I gave you to see some characteristics - look at page 4)
B) Draw what you believe the typical victim of the violent crime, that you chose, to look like (11 x 17 paper will be provided for you).
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