It will be your job to research and present information on each one of the six physiographic regions of Canada but the format of your presentation is entirely up to you. You may choose from one of the following: A graphic informational poster; a trip diary/journal with photos; a web page or blog; a power point presentation in front of the class; a children’s book; or even an interpretive dance like the opening ceremony of the Olympics - but not that long and it absolutely must have jazzy hands in it. My point is you can choose whatever format you feel works best for you as long as you show the required information. So, what is that information?
- Location & Landscape (where is it, what does it look like, and how
was it formed)
- Weather & Climate (what is the climate like, how does the climate
affect the region, and what kind of cool weather stuff goes on there)
- Flora & Fauna (what ecosystems or ecozones are there in each region
and identify the main plants and animals that live in each region…are any
endangered? Why?)
- Natural Resources & Food (identify the renewable and non-renewable
resources that are abundant and extracted in each region and identify the foods
and farming done in each region)
- Urban Development & Cities (Where do people live in these areas? How much of Canada’s population lives there – population density?)
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll talk about the ways you can influence government, focusing on elections and voting. We'll look at representation by population, the first past the post system, and the concept of proportional representation. You'll need to work on 1, 2, 3, and 4 on page 253 along with 1 and 2 on page 258 of your Counterpoints textbook today. For help on why you should vote see:
Elections Canada Young Voters Site
Elections Canada Electoral System explanation
Compulsory voting in Australia explanation
Electoral Reform in BC First Past the Post or STV
About.com First Past the Post vs Proportional Representation
Historical record of Canadian Voter turnout
2011 Election Results CBC
There will be two members of parliament representing the Comox Valley after the next federal election, now the Electoral Boundaries Commission has decided to draw a line through our Regional District.
Comox and Electoral Areas B and C will remain with the North Island, while Courtenay, Cumberland and Area A will join a new 'Courtenay-Alberni' riding.

For more on Plate Tectonics check out:
Earth Floor: Plate Tectonics
UCal Berkeley Plate Tectonics animated Gifs
NASA: Our Restless Planet animation library
Plate Tectonics Earth View
Plate Tectonics animations - University of Kentucky
UCAR - University of Michigan - Plate Tectonics
Essentials of Geology textbook Plate Tectonics animations
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