D Block Social Studies 10 - Today we'll continue looking at how to read a map focusing on direction, scale, and distance. First you can start with finishing Friday's questions 2,3,4 & 5a on page 3 & 4 as well as questions 1-4 on page 7 of the Geographic Understandings book.
For direction you'll need to work on questions 1-4 on pages 8 & 9 and for scale & distance you'll need to work on question 4 on page 17 and question 1 on page 18.
Take a look at the following websites for help with time zones:
Time for Time
Time and Date
From Stargazers to Starships
NOVA: The Search for Longitude
Royal Astronomical Society Calgary: Latitude and Longitude
US National Atlas - Latitude and Longitude
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll look at the Legislative Branch of the Federal government in Canada starting with the House of Commons. You'll need to work on three questions:
- What is "Caucus" and what does it do?
- What is "Cabinet", what is "Cabinet Solidarity", what happens when you break "cabinet solidarity", how do you get to be a cabinet member, and identify three ministries covered in the federal cabinet?
- What is the "Official Opposition" and what do they do?

Here are some websites to help:
Current Canadian Ministry (Cabinet)
Privy Council Office: About Cabinet
NDP Official Opposition Shadow Cabinet
Parliament Of Canada Members of the Cabinet and Opposition Critics
B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll finish our look at spheres in geography. Next, we'll work on time zones, latitude and longitude, GPS, and the remote sensing technology of GIS (We'll watch a Brainpop video on GPS with Tim & Moby). There are five questions in the week one handout to have completed for today's class. Your homework this past weekend was to look at figure 1.8 (p.13) and figure 1.9 (p.14) in the Geosystems book and try to interpret the relationships amongst the four spheres as a result of humans burning fossil fuels. If you're having trouble with this consider the carbon cycle (pages 634-5 in text) or look the links on yesterday's blog entry for more help.
For more on GIS check out:
ESRI What can I do with GIS?
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