C Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - Today we will look at violence and how it is portrayed in the media. We'll look at the Media Smarts website to look at media violence as well as examine the effects of media's coverage of violent crime (entertainment and news) on audience members. I'd like you to brainstorm the following in groups:
Lastly I'd like you to come up with a list of violent media and choose three to explain the short and long term effects (results) of consuming it.
D Block Law 12 - Today is one of the last few days you have left to work on your project for the semester. Including today, you have two classes remaining to work on the project. Do not forget that this project is worth 40% of your term grade and that you've had almost two months to work on it. Keep up the good work.
A Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll watch Chapters 1-8 in the movie "The Corporation" and you will need to work on the following questions:
- Should corporate executives be found guilty of murder if they fail to take reasonable measures to protect their staff and an employee subsequently dies?
- Is it fair to blame a single executive for the activities of a company that has thousands of employees?
- Can Corporations Commit Murder? If a corporation is considered as a person in law (as it is in the US) who can be held liable (responsible) if a corporation kills people?
B Block Social Studies 10 - Today we are back in the library for three days of research on your family history assignment. Remember, your task is to research your family history, which includes learning how to conduct academic research, making critical evaluations regarding sources, and managing information. Please remember that I want you to focus on the context of history- did your ancestor fight in the war of 1812? What was life like for farmers during early settlement of the west? Why do you have American relatives? Use the primary documents and stories you find to uncover what daily life might have been like for your relatives. I'll ask for a list of volunteers and post time slots for next week's presentations starting tomorrow in the library.
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