D Block Law 12 - OK so today is day two of your exam which sees you complete the written answer case study section.You have assignments due today...please do not give me any "My dog ate my homework" or "My computer crashed with all my work on it" excuses. Turn in your work today please. All of your exam marks will be posted outside of room 611 on Monday at the beginning of the second semester. Please remember if you are interested in Law, there is a link on the Social Studies section of the G.P. Vanier school website that will give you career options for Law in BC and Canada.
C Block Crime, Media and Society 12 - Remember I have asked you to answer a big question for me...Why do you think there is a trend in crime media involving the inadequecies of the police? Look at Elementary, Lie to Me, the Mentalist, Person of Interest Leverage, and the Dateline episodes to Catch a Predator or to Catch a Con Man. Each one of these shows involves a private consultant or specialist that helps the police solve their crimes that they apparently cannot solve on their own. What subtle or overt messages about policing and authority do these shows portray? Why do you think this is a popular trend in crime media?
In order to help you answer that question, today we'll watch an episode of Person of Interest from Season 1 "Cura Te Ipsum" (The Machine gives up the number of Dr. Megan Tillman, a promising young physician, and Reese undertakes 24-hour surveillance of the doctor to determine the threat against her. Meanwhile, Fusco runs afoul of the Torero Cartel when they come looking for the drug money that his former partners stole from them). I fully expect that you'll include information from Lie to Me, the Mentalist and Person of Interest (as well as any ofther show you'd like to include). Please make sure I get that from you today.

B Block Social Studies 10 - Take heed the wisdom of Yoda...
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try!"
So today you have an exam in Social Studies and I sincerely hope you are prepared. Breathe. Relax. Dazzle me with what you know. If you did not present a family heritage assignment then you need to see me today to make arrangements so that you can complete the assignment and finish the course.
A Block Criminology 12 - Today I'll have you finish presenting your criminology topics for our seminar presentations. I sincerely look forward to what you found interesting about Criminology. Don't forget if you are interested UFV, VIU and SFU (including the CrimOne first year expertience program @ SFU Surrey) offer Criminology degrees here in British Columbia. You can also find Criminology diploma programs at Douglas College, North Island College (here in the Comox Valley) and Kwantlen Polytechnic University. You can also find programs on policing and criminal justice at the Justice Institute of BC.
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