Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wednesday, June 12. 2013

Today's schedule is B-AG-A-D-C

B Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll finish our quick look at demography and population. We'll watch a couple of short videos. After each video, I'd like you to tell me what you observe and I hope to have a discussion on the population information.

The Miniature Earth

National Geographic 7 Billion

Population Explosion from ZPG (Population Connection)

After the videos we'll then move into dependency ratio and China's One Child policy. We'll work through questions questions 2 & 3 on page 331 in the Counterpoints textbook. Tomorrow we'll look at population density, carrying capacity, and begin our look at living standards.
BBC News - Has China's One Child Policy Worked?
BBC News - China 'Steps Up' One Child Policy
China's One Child Family Policy
China's One Child Polity Enters New Phase

D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll continue our look at gangs and gang activity in Canada. Since
the block was shortened on Friday, I'll give you a few notes on the structure of organized crime as well as the different types of organized crime (gangs) in Canada. You'll also have time to work on the on three organized crime groups venn diagram activity, one of which was cartels. After, I will show you a History Channel show called Gangland. The episode I'd like to show you is from season three and it's called "To Torture or to Kill". This episode is about "Los Zetas" and the drug corridor along the  Nuevo Laredo - Texas border.
Economist - Mexican Drug War
InSight Crime Los Zetas
CNN Los Zetas
National Post Los Zetas
You can watch the Gangland documentary in class, on the link here or watch it below...

C Block Social Studies 10 -  Today we are back in the library for day three of research on your family history assignment. Remember, your task is to research your family history, which includes learning how to conduct academic research, making critical evaluations regarding sources, and managing information. Please remember that I want you to focus on the context of history- did your ancestor fight in the war of 1812? What was life like for farmers during early settlement of the west? Why do you have American relatives? Use the primary documents and stories you find to uncover what daily life might have been like for your relatives.
Government of Canada Geneaology Site
American National Archives
Pier 21 Immigration Museum Research Canada
Ellis Island - U.S. Immigration
Climbing Your Family Tree
Family Search
BC Department of Vital Statistics

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