Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thursday, March 21. 2013

Today's schedule is D-AG-C-B-A

C Block Social Studies 10 - Today you have your Rebellions editorial to hand in and you have your Rebellions Unit Final. The unit final will take about 45 minutes of the class and if you reviewed your work, I'm sure that you will do well. When we're done we will begin looking at the six factors that led to Confederation in 1867. If there's time we'll discuss the Civil War in the US, Manifest Destiny, and the Alaska Purchase of 1867. Take a look at:
PBS Ken Burns' The Civil War
John L. O'Sullivan on Manifest Destiny in 1839
Manifest Destiny
US-Mexican War Manifest Destiny
Alaska Purchase

B Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll examine the horrors of trench warfare in World War One. We'll look at the advances in technology that caused the stalemate on the Western Front and the slaughter of millions of men. To begin we'll take a few notes down about the Schlieffen Plan and the Western Front. Next we'll look at what trenches were like and then we'll watch the Canada: A People's History episode "Go Out and Meet Death Bravely"

A Block Law 9/10 -  Today we will talk about strict liability and absolute liability. We'll also look at due diligence, attempt, conspiracy, and the four parties to an offense. You'll need to work on questions 8-12 on page 74 of the textbook along with yesterdays work on R. v. Thornton (1990) and R. v. Sansregret (1985). After, you'll get an 11x17 sheet of paper; you'll select one criminal offense; and then you'll need to draw/identify the four parties to that offense (primary actor or perpetrator, aider, abettor, and counselor). Look in the pocket Criminal Codes to find an offence that interests you, like any of the following: Alarming the Queen CC 49; Animal Cruelty CC 446(1); Aggravated Assault CC 268; Bigamy CC 290 (1); Injuring or Endangering Cattle (cow tipping) CC 444; Kidnapping (forcible confinement) CC 279; Making Counterfit Money CC 449; Disorderly Conduct - Causing a Distrubance CC 175 (1); Extortion CC 346; Arson CC 433; or First Degree Murder CC 231. Once you've found a crime that interests you sketch out a preliminary diagram that shows the four parties to that offence...

Help with Parties to an Offense: You are a party if you
• Actually commit 21(1)(a)
• Aid – 21(1)(b)
• Abet – 21(1)(c)
• Counsel or procure (22(1) &(2))

The effect of being a party is that you are guilty of committing an offence – you can be a robber in any of the ways set out. It is not a separate offence. You criminal record will reflect that you were guilty of robbery, not abetting robbery.

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