Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 21. 2012

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll continue our look at weather; working on an activity called “Sunlight and the Seasons” (week 12 package "Solar energy and the reason for seasons"). After you have finished this activity you need to complete questions 17, 19, and 20 from page 62 in your Geosystems textbook. If there's time we'll see what Bill Nye has to say about seasons. Below you'll find a decent if somewhat slow video on seasons...
and what does the rotation of the Earth on its axis -giving us seasons-look like and mean for us?

Don't forget, we'll start the class by looking at the synoptic chart for North America and begin to understand weather station plots. Take some time on the following sites to learn more and to practice your weather operational analysis capabilities:
WW2010 - University of Illinois Weather site
National Weather Service "Jet Stream" online weather school
American Meteorological Society "Data Streme"
British Broadcasting Corporation Reading Weather Maps
USA Today Reading Weather Maps

Practise at: Weather Office (Environment Canada) Operational Analysis Charts or at the Data Streme site above

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry...we'll finish off Life With Murder and talk about the serious creepy factor in this movie. What does this tell us about our Canadian Court System? We'll finish up some notes on criminal offences and talk about which offences are most "popular" in Canada

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry...Thank you for all the Anchorman tweets! Today, you'll get some time to work on your propaganda posters (they're due on Friday... this is a strict deadline!). You'll also get started on a research project on important battles in WWII (these will also be due on Friday).

C Block Crime, Media & Society 12 - Today we'll look at some theories about media. We'll examine Agenda Setting, Framing, the Hypodermic Needle or Magic Bullet, Cultivation, the Knowledge Gap, Uses and Gratification as well as Dependency theory. After we'll try to connect these theories to the 48 Hours Mystery documentary we watched yesterday on the Highway of Tears. We'll try to understand how media reports crime and try to take a theoretical perspective on the show and why it was made the way that it was presented to the audience. Don't forget I gave you three questions to work on yesterday (and I'll give you time to work on them today):
  1. What main story do you think Investigative Reporters Bob Friel and Peter Van Zant wanted to tell?
  2. Why did the show focus on Madison Scott first, Loren Leslie next and then the victims along the Highway of Tears afterwards?
  3. Why do you think the producers and editors framed the story the way that they did?

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