Sunday, November 18, 2012

Monday, November 19. 2012

Today's schedule is A-B-C-D

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry...we'll finish up the presentations. You'll be filling out self-evaluations, and then we'll be doing some discussion on various crimes.

B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll begin our look at stratospheric ozone. Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earth's upper atmosphere and at ground level. Ozone can be "good" or "bad" for your health and the environment, depending on its location in the atmosphere. After looking at the ways that ozone protects us and understanding how it can be destroyed by CFCs (Tim and Moby will help us here) you'll need to complete questions 8 and 9 from page 90 in your Geosystems textbook. For more information on Ozone look at:
Environment Canada Ozone site
US Environmental Protection Agency Stratospheric Ozone page
European Commission on the Environment Ozone page
Ozzy Ozone UNEP Kids Ozone Site
NOAA Ozone depletion page

Environment Canada senior climatologist David Phillips indicated last fall that predicting the weather is becoming much more difficult. "It's almost as if you can't look at the past to tell us what the future is," David Phillips told CBC News. "There's a new norm: Expect the unexpected." Check out the article here.

C Block Crime, Media & Society 12 - Today we're back in the library working on the collaborize classroom site. Just a reminder, when posting on the site it is important to identify yourself with something other than your "handle"...slim, smoidawg, imreadytogo66, jds55, bigmuzzy laundry. I really appreciate that you're willing to post in the on line class but remember "Use each other's names" and "Avoid slang and sarcasm". Now for today I'd like you to do two things:

1. Answer the post What are your opinions of crime and the Canadian criminal justice system?

2. I'd like you to find as much as you can on the "Highway of Tears" in northern British Columbia;  this is Highway 16 where some people believe that there is a serial killer at work. Tomorrow we'll be watching the CBS 48 Hours Mystery "Highway of Tears". So in preparation for watching the video and seeing how the CBS news documentary chooses to cover the story I'd like you to find out what national (CBC, CTV, Global, APTN, National Post, Globe and Mail), provincial (Vancouver Sun and the Province) and local (Prince George Citizen) coverage says about the story. You'll need to do some digging as the first ten or so pages on a google search will be about the CBS News 48 Hours documentary or about suspect Bobby Jack Fowler. So work hard, dig deep and on the the collaborize classroom site in the "Highway of Tears" thread tell me what you find out about the media's coverage of the highway of tears.

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry...we'll go over the quizzy test on the 1920s and the 1930s. I think some of you need to work on your studying habits. Here's a link - maybe there are some helpful hints. After that, you'll work in pairs and recall the events that led up to WWI. This will set the stage for our discussion - the events and causes of WWII. You'll be filling out a map of Europe in 1938 and if there's time, we'll get started on our Twitter projects

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