Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday, October 24. 2012

Today's schedule is B-A-D-C

B Block Geography 12 - Today we'll look at Mass Wasting (falls, slides, and flows). We will figure out the causes of Mass Wasting by looking at both the driving and resisting forces on hillsides and slopes. We will try to figure out some slope stabilization practices and specifically we'll look at what has been done at Goose Spit to stop erosion of the Willemar Bluffs along Balmoral Beach. We'll also review the problems of the Sea to Sky highway (Hwy 99 from West Vancouver to Squamish). You will define rock fall, debris avalanche, landslide, mudflow, and soil creep and work on questions 27 & 32 from page 443 in your Geosystems text.

SWEET Landslide video from National Geographic

SWEET Japanese Landslide video

United States Geological Survey Landslides Hazard
Federal Emergency Management Association Landslide and Debris Flow
National Park Service Mass Wasting
Landslides in BC
University of Kentucky Earth Science Department Mass Wasting animation
National Atlas of the United States Landslides
OUC Foundations of Physical Geography Mass Wasting

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry...I'll give you a bit more class time to finish up the questions that we started today. After that, I'll talk about your next project: creating some sort of visual that portrays a criminal committing a crime. You can do a cartoon, a poster, a Powerpoint, a skit... it will be up to you to decide how you would like to explain the crime (which will start at the thought and go all the way to the arrest... in a lawful order!).

D Block Social Studies 11 - Yesterday with Ms. Curry...we talked about the emergence of labour unions and a bit about the Red Scare from Russia. Today, you'll be drawing up your very own 1920s timeline. I will give you a list of events to include, and it will be your job to put them in chronological order with a short explanation of what happened and its relevance.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll finish our look at white collar crime in Criminology and I'll give you time to continue working on the questions I put on the board yesterday. After this, you will get a handout on Organized crime (aboriginal crime groups, cartels, ethnic crime groups, and outlaw motorcycle gangs) and will need to explain the activities of each group: What do they do? How do they do it? What do they control? Where are they based in Canada? Organized crime by nature (according to Howard Abadinsky) is monopolistic (in other words organized crime groups want to have a monopoly over a specific geographic area for the illicit activity they wish to pursue). Your answers to the question of organized crime in Canada need to be completed by the end of the class (Note: use the section in your text to help as well).
For more stories about organized crime (especially a particularly interesting court case in Ontario and Manitoba involving the Bandidos) see the CANOE Crime News Archive.
RCMP Gazette: Street Gangs in Canada
CBC News: Biker Gangs in Canada
Prime Time Crime: Gangs in Canada
RCMP Watch: Asian Gangs in Canada
Criminal Intelligence Service Canada: Street Gang Activity

Don't forget that you have a quiz on property and white collar crime tomorrow!

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