Monday, October 29, 2012

Tuesday, October 30. 2012

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

 C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll continue our look at gangs and gang activity in Canada. Since the block was shortened on Friday, I'll give you a few notes on the structure of organized crime as well as the different types of organized crime (gangs) in Canada. You'll also have time to work on the on three organized crime groups venn diagram activity, one of which was cartels. After, I will show you a History Channel show called Gangland. The episode I'd like to show you is from season three and it's called "To Torture or to Kill". This episode is about "Los Zetas" and the drug corridor along the  Nuevo Laredo - Texas border.
Economist - Mexican Drug War
InSight Crime Los Zetas
CNN Los Zetas
National Post Los Zetas
You can watch the Gangland documentary in class, on the link here or watch it below...

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry...I will hand back your letters/photographs from WWI today. We'll talk about the strengths and weaknesses of labour unions in small groups and discuss them in class. You'll answer some questions about events leading up to the stock market crash in 1929 and we will watch some videos that will help explain the boom of the 20s and the bust of the 30s.

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry...I've booked the library for you to work on your perfect crime assignments. Remember, they're due on Friday!

B Block Geography 12 - Today we look at stream profiles, deltas, and floodplains. We are focusing on the erosive action of rivers along with the landforms that they create. You will need to define nickpoint, undercut bank, point bar, and slip-off slope along with copying a meandering stream profile (figure 14.15 on p.460 in the Geosystems text) and a diagram on oxbow lake formation (figure 14.16 on p.461 in the Geosystems text). Your homework is questions 17, 20, 21 & 22 from page 482 in your Geosystems text.

Diagram from William Galloway of the University of Texas

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