Monday, October 1, 2012

Tuesday, October 2. 2012

Today's schedule is C-D-A-B

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll try to make sense of mass and serial murder. First we'll finish the Law & Order Criminal Intent episode "Jones" that we started on Friday and chat about it afterwards. After that we'll we'll discuss murder and homicide. We'll discuss the divisions of murder in Canada (1st and 2nd degree and manslaughter), the extent of murder in Canada, and murderous relations (acquaintance and stranger homicide). Finally, I'd like you to explain the types of serial and mass murderer along with the reasons why they commit these crimes. You can find the answers to this in the work of Jack Levin and James Alan Fox "Multiple Homicide: Patterns of Serial and Mass Murder". The summary of their work is on pages 234 and 235 of the textbook in the Criminological Enterprise section. For more info look at the work of John Douglas (former FBI profiler) on (look in the article section and there is a great read entitled "So, you want to become a profiler..."). You will need to use this work to help with yesterday's blog entry.

In order to understand mass murder and motives we will dedicate some time this week to the murders at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado a decade ago. We'll examine the Department of Justice (FBI) Critical Incident Response Group report "The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective" and the Columbine Review Commission report of Governor Bill Owens. In essence we'll look at the background of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold as well as the types of behavior, personality traits, and circumstances in the family, school, and community environment that should be regarded as warning signs of school shooters.

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today Ms. Curry has the library booked for you to finish up your work on the political party group project. You will need to present your party tomorrow in class and try to convince at least three people to vote for you and your party. There will be no more time to work on this assignment and as it is a project it would be a good idea to "put your best foot forward" so to speak. Interim Reports will go home next week you we look forward to sharing with your parents your amazing efforts in Social Studies so far. If you need help please ask Ms. Curry or myself.

A Block Law 12 - Today will be the last class for you to work on your human rights poster activity (due this Thursday) and to prepare for tomorrow's unit final test. I will also answer some of your "Burning Questions" about Law that you've always wanted answered. These are the anonymous questions that you put in the Law Question Box and I'll take some time both today and next week to answer them.

B Block Geography 12 - Because of the tsunami video we watched yesterday we didn't get to some things so today we'll finish our notes about the five types of volcanoes and watch the Discovery Channel Raging Planet episode on Volcanoes.

Later I'll show you some footage of the Kilauea eruption (both pahoehoe and aa flows) and the Soufriere Hills volcanic eruption on Montserrat. We'll then look at the differences between explosive and effusive volcanic eruptions (think silica and gas) and you'll have a big question to look at. Tomorrow we will focus on Mount Saint Helens, Wednesday we'll look at our case study and focus on Mount Rainier and then Thursday and Friday we're in the library working on our first project.

Now for fun (as if there isn't enough Volcano fun already in Geography 12)...

Remember how I was talking with you about walking on Lava in Hawaii? Below you'll find a YouTube video compilation of a series called "On the Volcanoes of the World" where French vulcanologist Guy de Saint Cyr takes people around the world to study Volcanoes....Sweet!
You could also watch the Hawaii episode here.

Or you could watch this...

Yeah that would probably be me.

For more on the differences between explosive and effusive eruptions see:
National Park Service "Views of National Parks" Volcanic Eruptions and Hazards
San Diego State University "How Volcanoes Work"
Volcano World "Volcanic Gasses"
Science World 2005 "When Mountains Fizz"

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