Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thursday, October 11. 2012

Today's schedule is D-C-B-A

D Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Curry...we'll go over the pop quiz from last class to ensure that everyone understands the steps that led up to WWI in Europe. Then we'll ask: "Europe's at war - what does this have to do with us?"

I'll give you some notes on Sam Hughes, the Minister of Militia and Defence in 1914, and we'll take a look at some propaganda posters used in Canada. After, we'll take notes on War in Europe and talk about trench warfare.

C Block Criminology 12 - Today we will take the first twenty-five minutes of class to write our violent crime quiz. After, we'll begin our look at property crimes, where we'll discuss the history of theft and make sense of the differences between occasional and professional thieves. You'll need to answer the following:

What are the differences between a professional and an occasional thief?
What is a "situational inducement"?
What is a "Booster", a "Heel", a "Snitch", a "Fence"?

B Block Geography 12 - Today we will start watch Mega Disasters: American Volcano to help with your project that is due this Friday. This is a sweet "what if" disaster video and it explains the dangers of the slumbering giant...Mount Rainier especially on the small town of Orting (Hey I wonder if it will help with your project?) Remember - should the town of Orting, Washington, build a new high school to attract people to their community or not? What will the impact of increased population be on the tiny town that sits in the shadows of Mt. Rainier? When the show is over you can continue working on your Koko Head (Hawai'i Kai) topographic map questions (see yesterday's blog entry).

A Block Law 12 - Today with Ms. Curry we'll take a look at "how to read a case" - this came up a few times yesterday when we were summarizing the criminal cases. We'll talk about the different levels of courts in Canada, and then I'll read out a fairy tale, and we'll discuss all of the criminal issues involved! Your homework will be to take a fairy tale, and write up a case brief on it!

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