C Block Geography 12 - Today is a crucial day in Geography 12; we will be discussing biogeochemical cycles - specifically the carbon and nitrogen cycles. We will also be discussing the flow of energy through an ecosystem (trophic layers and food webs). It is very important that you review systems and feedback from week 1 of the course. For a great on-line text resource check out the Human Ecology textbook by Gerry Marten. For more on cycles in ecosystems check out:
Biogeochemical Cyles at Windows to the Universe
Biogeochemical Cyles at Geography 4 Kids
Biogeochemical Cyles at Michael Ritter's on line "The Physical Environment" text
Trophic Pyramids and Food Webs at Physical Geography
Food Chains and Food Webs
Build a Food Web "Chain Reaction" game
Bill Nye video "(It's the) Food Web" by Food Webby Web on the Soundtrack of Science
McGraw Hill BC Grade 7 Science textbook animation on PCB's and Bioaccumulation
D Block Criminology 12 - Today we'll focus our efforts at the beginning of class on auto theft. We'll examine the five types of motor vehicle theft and identify how you can protect your vehicle from being stolen (target hardening strategies). This will help you with your blog entry from yesterday. After that we'll look at burglary & Break and Enter. I'll give you a few notes and then you'll need to answer the following: What characteristics must a good burglar have? (Look at Neil Shover's explanation on page 264) and What are the differences between male and female burglars?
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll begin looking at both population pyramids and the demographic transition model. We'll then move into dependency ratio and China's One Child policy. We'll work through questions 1-4 on the Reading a Graph activity on page 327 and questions 2 & 3 on page 331 in the Counterpoints textbook together as a class. This work (along with the information on page 328) will help you with your Population activity. Tomorrow we'll look at population density, carrying capacity, and begin our look at living standards.
BBC News - Has China's One Child Policy Worked?
BBC News - China 'Steps Up' One Child Policy
China's One Child Family Policy
China's One Child Polict Enters New Phase

B Block Law 12 - Today we have the notebook lab in the class to continue working on our major civil law project for the semester. I have looked over a few of your assignments so far an it appears that for the most part you're all on track. I want to remind you that there are only 14 classes left until the final exam and 16 classes left before the project is due. Yesterday we looked at the "Essential" requirements for marriage (age, not currently married, affinity/consanguinity, mental capacity, willingness) and the "Formal" requirements for marriage (age, license, ceremony). Tomorrow we'll talk about annulment, separation (living separate and apart) and separation agreements. Adter that, we'll deal with divorce, property division and support obligations. We'll look at: the equal division rule and the matrimonial home; spousal support and self sufficiency; and the types of child guardianship, access, and child support.
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