B Block Law 12 - Today we'll review yesterday's topics of firearms, street racing, prostitution and obscenity. Since we didn't get to them I'll have you work on questions 1-5 on page 240 of the All About Law text.
1. What is the difference between prohibited and restricted firearms?
2. What must a citizen in Canada do to legally possess or use a gun?
3. Summarize some of the newest legislation dealing with firearms.
4. Explain the main aspects of the street racing legislation in the Criminal Code.
5. What is the difference between procuring and soliciting in terms of prostitution? What elements must exist for a conviction on soliciting?
After this we'll talk about terrorism - Criminal Code section 83.01(1) and criminal harassment - Criminal Code section 264. I'll have you work with a partner on the Canada (Attorney General) v. Khawaja (F.C.), 2007 case and we'll discuss it as a class together. The following links will help with terrorism in Canada:
Anti-Defamation League Terrorism in Canada
Canadian Security Intelligence Service
Public Safety Canada Terrorist Threats
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Terrorism responses)
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Krahn...
First order of business: Decade on a Page projects are due Friday.
Second order: Since you all have been working so much on your projects, here’s the second half of the points we were going through yesterday. You’ll also receive a hard copy in class today. http://www.box.com/s/4bb323e9a6f96a29e9cd
Thirdly, we’ll be shifting our focus to the year 1929, and the stock market crash (Black Tuesday) that kicked off the ‘dirty thirties.’ We’ll start by taking a look at the business cycle’s four basic stages: Prosperity (Boom), Recession, Depression and Recovery. Next we’ll see how the stock market works, and why this system would crash. You’ll need to know the following terms:
Stock exchange
Stock Certificate
Capital Gain
After this, we’ll look at how people choose to invest their money in certain stocks, the role of credit and the risks involved in that process. We’ll set up a quick simulation and you’ll have a chance to ‘invest’ your ‘money.’ Lastly, we’ll look at 6 underlying causes of the Depression in Canada. I will have a handout for you with a chart to fill out. You’ll have a chance to work independently, and then we’ll review the answers as a class.
Here are a few links about the stock market works:
This old cartoon explains basics of how companies go public and sell stock to investors.
C Block Geography 12 - Today we're looking at water. The USGS diagram below shows the distribution of water on the planet and explains the amount of water available for "human use". You'll note that there is precious little water available for 6.7 billion people. Then consider that the flora and fauna of the biosphere require water as well and you can see the importance of water to all forms of life on the planet.

Today we'll look at the properties of water in its three phases and then you'll need to sketch a diagram of the hydrologic cycle (page 253 in Geosystems). Next you'll need to define: condensation, evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, sublimation, percolation, aquifer, zone of aeration, and zone of saturation. Lastly you'll need to complete questions 2 & 5 from page 210, 1 from page 278, and 14, 16, & 18 from page 280 all in your Geosystems text. To help look at the United States Geological Survey Water Cycle website and ther University of Kentucky Geology Department flash animation site.
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