Today's schedule is D-C-B-A
B Block Law 12 - Today we'll take the block to review the work from last Friday:
Questions 1-5 on page 130
1. Identify the two elements that must exist for a crime to be committed.
2. Actus reus does not always require an action to be committed. Give an example of such a circumstance.
3. Distinguish among the different categories of mens rea, and provide an example for each.
4. How is motive used in a criminal trial?
5. When does an attempt begin? Provide an example of a situation where a criminal charge of attempt could be made.
as well as the work from Monday - Wednesday this week:
Questions 1-3 on page 133
1. According to the Criminal Code, who may be a party to an offence?
2. Distinguish between “aiding” and “abetting.”
3. Identify who may be considered an accessory after the fact.
Questions 1-5 on page 138
1. What types of cases does the Supreme Court of Canada handle?
2. What is the legal effect when a decision is made by the Supreme Court of Canada?
3. What types of cases are handled by the provincial courts?
4. What functions do the provincial superior courts perform?
5. Why do different criminal offences end up with different procedures?
and the Reviewing Key Terms matching activity along with the Structure of the Canadian Court System activity that I posted online for you this week.
C Block Geography 12 - I have the note books reserved for the class so that you may finish work on your Orting high school development project. I'll remind you that this assignment is due tomorrow and it is crucial that you hand it in to me as we are at the end of our unit. We then have the rest of today and tomorrow's class to work on a topographic map of Koko Head (Hawai'i Kai) Hawai'i. This map activity can be found on pages 145 through 148 of the Canadian Landscape topographic map book. I'll need you to work on questions 1 a, b and c; question 2; questions 3 a and b; and questions 7 a and b.
Please remember that you have a unit final on tectonics next Monday... please prepare yourself and in order to do so you should:
A note about your test. At the beginning of the term I handed you a review for the final exam (in your course outline) so look over the weeks one through five note/assignment packages and the review on the course outline to see what you should prepare for. You should expect questions on:
- Understand a simple cross-section of the Earth to show the parts of the lithosphere, and describe the nature of those layers within the Earth; Inner and Outer Core; Mantle (Mesosphere, Asthenosphere, and Mohorovicic discontinuity); and Lithosphere (Oceanic and Continental Crust). What is Convection Theory, in regards to the movement of the crust?
- Differentiate the rock types, igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. Give examples of each type of rock, as well as environments where they may commonly be found. Describe and understand a sketch the rock cycle.
- Understand and label a cross-section of the plate boundaries with the following features: Subduction, Volcano, Plutonic features, Igneous rock (Granite & Diorite, Rhyolite & Andesite, Gabbro & Basalt), Metamorphic rock, Sedimentary deposits, Oceanic Trench, Mid-Ocean Ridge/Rift, Continental Crust, SIAL, Oceanic Crust, SIMA, Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Convection cell
- Describe the impact (and give example locations) of a Convergent plate boundary in a continent-oceanic crust impact, continent-continent crust impact, oceanic-oceanic crust impact. Describe the effects (and give example locations) of a Divergent plate boundary in a oceanic-oceanic crust separation, continent-continent crust separation. Describe the effects (and give example locations) of a Transform plate boundary in a oceanic-oceanic crust event and a continent-continent crust event
- Describe the effects of Diastrophic movements on human activity.
- Describe several ways in which earthquakes may be generated. Understand sketch block diagrams to help define the following Fault types: Normal fault; Reverse fault; Strike/Slip fault. Define and give an example of a Transform fault. Understand a sketch of and define an Earthquake's Epicentre and Focus.
- Understand the following scales in terms of Intensity and Magnitude: Richter scale and Mercalli scale
- What is a Megathrust earthquake? What is the definition of a shallow, intermediate, and deep earthquake? Which is the most dangerous, generally speaking? What is the cause of a Tsunami? Why is the term Tidal wave not synonymous with Tsunami? What dangers does it pose?
- Describe mountain growth in terms of: Folding and Faulting (Horst and Graben). Define and understand a diagram of Anticlines and Synclines
- Distinguish between the different types of volcanoes (in terms of size, shape, location, examples of, etc.): Shield Volcano, Cinder Cone, and Composite Volcano (A.K.A. Stratovolcano) Compare the following eruption zones, and give examples of each: Rift (oceanic & continental), Hot Spot, Subduction Boundary (Island Arc & Mountain Chain)Describe by example the effects of a volcanic eruption, i.e., human impact, impact on climate, force of eruption etc. List and describe, a minimum of three dangers of volcanoes, including, Nuée ardente, and Lahar. List and describe three benefits of volcanoes.
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Krahn...Welcome back Socials 11 and happy International Women’s Day! In honour of this day, and in keeping with what we discussed on Friday, here is a comic strip from a Grade 11 student about Nellie McClung and Manitoba Premier Roblin (who was opposed to the suffragette movement):
found at
If you’re interested in knowing more about McClung, there’s a graphic novel called Hyena in Petticoats that is about her life and involvement in the suffrage movement. How cool is that? Last Friday’s blog post (March 3, 2012) also has links to a short clip about McClung, the suffrage movement in Canada, and the roles women took up throughout WWI. Good stuff!

For more info about International Women’s Day
Today we’ll be picking up where we left off on Friday. We’ll review the key aspects of what happened on the home front in 1917. You will need to know these three topics:
Military Voters Act
Wartime Elections Act
Military Service Act
I’ll also ask you to analyse this political cartoon about Canada’s contribution to the war effort. What was the cartoonist’s message?

After this, we will switch gears and take a look at the major events unfolding in Europe in 1917 – 1919.
We’ll briefly look at the battle on the Eastern Front and the Russian Revolution, as well as why the US joined the war.
In the event that everyone managed to get the worksheet filled out before today’s class, we’ll review your points and then have a mock Treaty activity. Fun! If not, I will ask you to do some small group work and jigsaw activity on the Hundred Days offensive, Armistice, Paris Peace Conference (Canada’s role), Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations.
Since the Treaty of Versailles is an info heavy topic, we’ll go through it together, and I’ll have you look at some of the terms, as well as a map of Europe pre and post WWI.
1 comment:
Who is the caricartoon by? I intend on using it for a school assignment and hope to properly cite the origin.
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