C Block Geography 12 - Today, you'll need to work on the physical weathering questions in your week 7 package: definition of frost action, exfoliation, and pressure release jointing along with questions 10, 12, 13, and 15 from page 442 of your Geosystems textbook. You can find the answers between pages 420-423 in the text. Next, we move on to chemical weathering. We'll take some notes down about carbonation (solution), oxidation, and hydration and fill in a chart on weathering types, rates, and their connection to climate conditions.

Lastly you'll need to work on questions 17, 20, and 21 from page 443 in the Geosystems text and you can find the answers between pages 423-427 in the text.
We'll use the animations found at the University of Kentucky Earth & Environmental Sciences department
B Block Law 12 - Today we'll continue our look at violent crime in Canada. We'll focus our efforts on assault, sexual assault and robbery today. In Canada, there are three levels of assault, based on the level of severity and corresponding penalties:
Level One: assault (max penalty 5 years)
Level Two: assault causing bodily harm (max penalty 10 years)
Level Three: aggravated assault (max penalty 14 years)
These levels are identified in section 265 of the Criminal Code. All assaults have two common elements:
1. The accused must have intent to carry out the attack and cause harm.
2. There must be no consent by the victim (for example, as in a boxing match).
Yesterday we talked about parental rights to use corrective measures in order to discipline children. This issue was raised in the Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law v. Canada (Attorney General) 2004 case. In its decision, the Supreme Court of Canada upheld Section 43 of the Criminal Code which "provides that a parent, teacher, or person acting in the place of a parent is justified in using force to correct a child’s behaviour that is under his or her care provided that the force used is reasonable in all of the circumstances". So what is "force"? The force must be used for educative or corrective purposes (not as a form of punishment) relating to restraining, controlling, or expressing disapproval of the actual behaviour of a child capable of benefi ting from that correction; the force cannot result in harm or the prospect of harm.
After our discussion I'll have you work on questions 2, 3 and 4 on page 231 of the text.
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Krahn...First up: The Winnipeg General Strike questions are due today.
A print out of your grades will be posted on the board, so you will be able to see if you are owe me any assignments. If you owe past work, I’m going to suggest you hand everything in before Spring Break. Then you won’t have to think about it over the break! And you will have a stronger mark for your report. It’s a win-win situation.
Today we’re going to start a Decade on a Page project.
Here is the handout for the project
Here is an (beginning stage) example of what a prezi (digital) web might look like. You will be creating a web (on paper or digitally) to show the massive cultural and economic shift that occurred in the 1920′s. In this project, you will need to identify the important events, changes in and challenges to Canada under the following four headings. Each heading has a list of topics (important events, people and groups) that need to be included in your web.
When completing this activity you’ll need to identify any connections between the topics (Hint: think about the broad themes we discussed from the Laurier Era: Protest and Unrest; Hope and Discovery; Racism and Discrimination; Canadians and Canadiens). We will go through these topics in class before beginning the assignment.
Here is a link about how to do web assignments
Here are the four headings, along with links for information.
1. Arts, Culture and Leisure
2. Society (race, gender, social class), Urbanization, and Values
3. Government, International Autonomy, and Political Parties
4. Industry, Jobs, and Wealth
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