C Block Geography 12 - Today we'll start by watching the Tsunami video we didn't get to yesterday in class: Mega Disaster: West Coast Tsunami. You'll need to complete two questions this weekend along with today's activity on plate boundaries.
- How do Tsunami’s work? from p.11 &
- Why can tsunamis cause such damage and devastation? What are some characteristics of the wave that factor into how much damage it could cause? How do coastal or shoreline features factor into the extent of damage? What role could a warning system play? How effective would a warning system be for the west coast of Vancouver Island? Why?

Ensure that you use different colours for divergent, convergent, and transform boundaries. You'll need to name the plates and show the relative direction that they travel as well. HINT: Do NOT forget the Juan de Fuca plate!

B Block Law 12 - Today we'll start with a review for our intro unit test on Monday (February 27th, 2012). The unit test will cover the first three chapters of the All About Law text and will have: 15 True/False questions; 15 Multiple Choice questions; 15 Fill In the Blank questions; 15 Matching questions; and 7 Short Answer questions. After the review we'll head to the library to continue research for our Human Rights poster (which is due next Wednesday - February 29th, 2012). I have poster paper for you and I'll give you the paper once I've seen your ideas (a rough sketch) on paper. Remember you need to create a visually appealing Human Rights Campaign Poster that addresses the human rights violation by incorporating key information (What is happening? Where is it taking place? What rights are being violated? Who is having their rights violated? Why are their rights being violated?) as well as pictures, symbols, and colours. Your poster should seek to draw the attention of the public through the balanced combination of text and visuals in a creative, yet educational manner!
A Block Social Studies 11 - Today with Ms. Krahn...you’ll have some time to finish the questions that we have been working on this past week.
From Monday’s discussion on the theme Racism and Discrimination:
1.Describe the steps taken in BC to restrict Asian immigration (Counterpoints p. 10-11)
2.Describe the policies of the federal government that were designed to assimilate Canada’s Aboriginal people (Counterpoints p. 12)
3.Can we right the wrongs of past generations? Is a formal apology appropriate, or not enough?
And questions 1-7 on pages 18-19 in your Counterpoints textbook on primary and secondary sources.
Primary Sources were created at the time of the event being studied - Examples include diaries, memoirs, editorials, photos, documents, newspapers, etc.
Secondary sources were created after the event in order to describe or analyse the issue - Examples include Academic articles, textbooks
Remember, The 5 Ws (and 1 H) can be useful in your analysis of sources:
WHAT kind of source is it? What is it about (people, places, ideas, time or events)?
WHEN was it made (during the event, soon after or much later)?
WHERE was it made (physically close to the event)?
WHO made it (artist, writer, politician, regular person, etc. – and their BIAS)
WHY was it made (inform, persuade or entertain)?
HOW do you know (what clues does the source give you to answer the 5 Ws)?
After this, we’ll take a look at the situation in Europe before the outbreak of WWI. You’ll need to know the following terms: Imperialism, Nationalism, Militarism, and the System of Alliances.
We’ll talk about the complicated relationships in Europe at the time (pictured in the cartoon below), and the pivotal ‘Shot Heard Around the World’ that served as the catalyst for the outbreak of war (the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by the Serbian terrorist group the Black Hand).
Days that shook the world video
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