B Block Geography 12 - Today we will continue our work on climatology. You will need to finish up the climate description activity from yesterday and questions 9, 14, and 19 from page 326 in your Geosystems text. After we'll look at how climate graphs are created and interpreted and then begin work on drawing and interpreting two climate graphs (Day 70 in your week 16 package: Bahia, Brazil and Yuma, Arizona). For help on how to draw climate graphs see:
Climate Graphs
Interpreting Climate Graphs
D Block Social Studies 11 - Over the next two days we will finish our look at the Cold War. Just a note of interest...North Korea conducted a test by detonating a nuclear bomb on May 25th 2009 so there is still an appetite for countries to develop a nuclear weapons program even in our post-cold war world (for more on North Korea's test and their nuclear program check out the article from the British paper "The Telegraph" here or the Associated Press article here). We'll take a look at Canada's role in the post-Vietnam world in two sections - the Trudeau Era and the Mulroney Era. We'll look at NORAD, CIDA, la Francophonie, SALT, SDI, FIRA, FTA, NAFTA, Glasnost, Perestroika and the end of the Cold War. You'll need to work on questions 2, 3, and 4 from page 150 from the Counterpoints textbook today.
C Block Law 9/10 - Today, you're going to get fingerprinted. To start we will continue our look at criminal forensics by looking at how investigators estimate time of death, how fingerprints are "lifted" at a crime scene (including what AFIS is). After, we will all get one set of fingers (and thumb) on one hand fingerprinted (our non dominant hand) by using graphite pencils and scotch tape. You will need to identify whether or not your prints are loops, arches, or whorls and then place them up on the blackboard. We will then count up the total number of loops, arches, and whorls for each finger (and thumb) for the class and graph the data. The graph is a comparative bar graph. For each finger (thumb, index, middle, ring & pinky) count up the total number of loops, arches, and whorls and graph that out next to each other comparing each set of data on one graph.
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