C Block Law 9/10 - Today we'll be in the classroom and we'll examine the people who work in a forensic lab. The forensic scientists we'll look at today are:
Forensic Anthropologists
Forensic Biologists
DNA Specialists
Forensic Serologist
Forensic Botanists
Forensic Dendrologists
Forensic Chemists
Forensic Toxicologists
Forensic Odontologists
Forensic Entomologists
Forensic Geologists
Forensic Pathologists
Forensic Physicists
Ballistics Specialists
Forensic Psychologists
Fingerprint Analysts
Voice Identification Specialists
Forensic Artists
Document Examiners
Computer Forensic Specialist
Forensic Photographer
Check out SFU's "So you want to be a Forensic Scientist" webpage or check out the "All you ever wanted to know about Forensic Science in Canada but didn't know who to ask" booklet compiled by Dr. Gail Anderson and posted by the Canadian Society of Forensic Science. When we're finished you may continue working on your "Clue Us In assignment" (due on Thursday this week) and prep for your quiz tomorrow.
D Block Social Studies 11 - Today we'll finish our look at World War 2 by examining the effects of the war on Canada and then we'll prepare for tomorrow's unit final quiz. I'll have you work on three questions from the Counterpoints textbook and then watch the American Civil Defense video "Duck and Cover" along with a bit of the Atomic Cafe movie in class. The Atomic Cafe contains civil defense movies from the 1940's through the 1960's and will help you understand the culture of fear that developed throughout the Cold War. Today we'll watch the first few sections that deal with the Manhattan Project and the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
B Block Geography 12 - Today we will spend the entire class working on Okanagan Valley topographic map out of the Canadian Landscape Air Photo & Topographic Map textbook. The map can be found on pages 27-31 of the text and you will need to work on questions 1 a-c, 2 i, ii & c, 3 a & b, 5 a, b, c, & d, 8, 9 a, b, c, and 11. For an on line version of the map check out http://yellowmaps.com/topo/_kelowna_bc/index2.htm You will have today and Thursday to work on this assignment.
If you need help with topographic interpretation check out the following websites:
Understanding Topographic Maps
Topo 101 - Natural Resources Canada
Introduction to Topographic Maps - Idaho State University
United States Geological Survey Topographic Map site
Reading Topographic Maps Chapter 2 in NWCG PMS 475 "Basic Land Navigation"
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