Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 73 - Monday January 10. 2011

A - Introduction to Law 9/10 - Today we are back in the library for your first day to work on your final assignment of the year which I posted on the blog last week. You are going to create a webpage on a particular area of study in forensic science, however you may not choose your topic for the forensic web page assignment until you've completed the Clue Us In project.

For the forensic science web page assignment, there are many on line web page creation sites (including this site which is kind of like a bloggers for dummies site). Try the following:
Of course the creation of your site is really the last step in the process. Once you've chosen your topic (through me) you will need to get started working on finding information about it. Don't forget there are some fabulous print resources in the library and you must have at least one print source for this assignment.

LAW 9 / 10 Forensic Science Web Page Project:

It will be your responsibility to create one section of the G.P. Vanier Forensic Science/Criminology web page. You will need to find the following information about your chosen subject / topic:

1. A description of your subject which includes an explanation of what is (history, background information, people associated with it, important milestones and discoveries)
2. An explanation of how your topic is collected at the crime scene and the tools that are used to interpret the evidence at the crime lab.
3. An description showing how the subject is used to solve crimes (identifying suspects, showing the cause of death, tracing the source of evidence or identifying a possible alternate crime scene)
4. Graphics - photos, illustrations, and animations that show and explain your subject
5. Case Study - Provide one example of how your subject was used to solve a real crime.
6. Provide URL’s as links for further investigation of your subject.

Subjects / Topics to choose from:
Forensic Anthropology
Forensic Entomology
Hairs and Fibers
Questioned Documents
Forensic Serology
Forensic Pathology
Forensic Odontology
Computer Forensics
Forensic Chemistry
Ask for other topics

C - Law 12 - Today we are going to the library to work through the case study project. Please make sure you use your class time wisely because after today there are only seven (7) classes remaining before our two in-class exam days and nine (9) classes remaining before the case study project is due. We'll be back in the library tomorrow and Wednesday sees us begin our short unit on family law.

D - Geography 12 - Today we shift our focus to look at ecosystem components. We'll identify what an ecosystem is (along with its abiotic and biotic components) and understand what a community is. We'll see what Tim and Moby have to tell us about ecosystems and then you'll need to work on questions 1, 4, 6, and 8 from page 661 of your Geosystems textbook. For help on ecosystems check out:
"The Concept of the Ecosystem"
Ecosystem Fundamentals
Ecological Systems
Living Things: Habitats & Ecosystems

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